Page 28 - Interface February 2024
P. 28



            The bedroom can often be put on the back burner when it comes to design

            since it is not a space used for entertaining or a place guests typically see,

            but that doesn’t mean it should be forgotten about. So, it is high time we
            turn our attention to this room we spend countless hours.

                 hile a cosy and restful   Herewith trends to refresh the bedroom:  colours to cover walls, ceilings and trim.
                 bedroom suite looks    •  Wall to wall carpeting – Not only is it   Paint is a great way to inspire the energy
        Wdifferent for everyone,          luxurious underfoot, but parents with young   of a room.
        at the end of the day what matters   families appreciate the noise absorption and   •  Decorative lamp shades – While we want
        is that it should be relaxing for the   the practicality of a well-cleaning fibre.  plenty of lighting in more visited rooms
        people who live there. For some   •  Layers, layers and more layers – Bring in   of the home, in the bedroom it should be
        that means a calm and clean space   more character, from throws and pillows   softer. Fabric shades on lamps or sconces,
        with minimal accents, for others   to wallpaper and artwork. More layered   as opposed to simple paper or white linen
        it looks like splashing the room in   bedrooms will be back in 2024.    shades are just as beautiful and practical.
        a favourite colour and displaying   •  Bedding that makes a statement – As the   •  Plenty of privacy – Bedrooms are definitely
        prized treasures.                 biggest piece of furniture in the room, how   featuring more and more colour and they
                                          one dresses the bed can set the tone of the   are also trending towards suite-like spaces
        Bedroom design is in the midst    space. Whether in texture and colour, let   designed to reflect a personal escape.
        of an exciting evolution. In 2024   the bedding enhance the room.       Bedrooms that include private sitting
        bedroom trends epitomize a thrilling   •  More paint colours – In 2024 we will see   areas and a space for a desk and an office
        fusion of tech-savvy convenience,   more painted bedrooms differentiating the   chair, would really be the most intimate
        luxurious comfort and eco-conscious   area from others in the home. A lot of warm   space in the house, from the dressing and
        design, tailored to the ever changing   tones will work well - tan and terracotta   bathroom to bedroom.
        demands of modern living.

        As technology weaves into every
        interior design trend of 2024,
        trending bedrooms similarly
        integrate smart living seamlessly.
        Advance, hidden charging ports,
        mood lighting and smart furniture
        have become essential. These
        innovate features will enable one to
        enjoy modern conveniences without
        compromising on a clean and
        tranquil ambience.

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