Page 4 - Interface February 2024
P. 4


        ESTATE NEWS                                            LIFESTYLE
        From the General Managers desk                  4      Restaurant Competition                         17
        Guards: Our top performers                      6      Crafting the African Wilderness in Bronze      18
        Pets: Rules and Regulations                     8      Valentines Day Glyph                           20
        Golf News                                      10      Interior Decor – Styles and Trends             25
        Classifieds                                    32

        Note from the Editor

        Dear Readers,                        or flowers being given, or even a
                                             celebration! Where did it all begin?
        We are excited to bring you another
        great edition of Interface!          Well, Valentine’s Day has a mix of
                                             ancient Roman and Christian origins. In
        With the fast pace that the year has   ancient Rome, they had a festival in mid-
        kicked off at, be sure to take some down   February, where young men and women
        time to keep you going! Try visiting the   were paired up. Another story involves
        Country Club for a sundowner or a round   a Christian named Saint Valentine,
        of golf! There is also a par 3 competition   who defied a Roman emperor’s ban on
        coming up on 20 February 2024. See   marriages for young men and continued   grown into the modern celebration of
        these pages for details! Also, be sure to   to perform marriages in secret. Before   expressing love through cards, flowers,
        look out for the Country Club’s enticing   his execution, he supposedly sent a   and chocolates.
        weekly specials and their exclusive   note signed “from your Valentine” to
        Valentine’s Day menu!                a woman he helped. Over time, these   Enjoy this edition and have a Happy
                                             stories blended, and later, people started   Valentine’s Day!
        Valentine’s Day often brings with it secret   exchanging love notes and small gifts
        notes being exchanged, a chocolate   on February 14th. This tradition has   Angela Fourie

        Interface is a monthly magazine of the Centurion Golf Estate. It is intended for the residents of Centurion Golf Estate. It is published on behalf of the CHOA by Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd. Articles printed in Interface, do
        not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CHOA or the Estate, the publisher, nor of the companies themselves. Neither the CHOA, nor the publishers can be held responsible for the quality of the goods and services
        advertised in the Interface. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.
                                               INTERFACEDigimag | February 2024 | 2
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