Page 34 - Interface June 2024
P. 34

EDUCATION                          Andriase Khororo is looking for gardening work   HEALTH, FITNESS & BEAUTY
        LITTLE EINSTEINS PLAYSCHOOL        on Fridays. He has been in my employment for   ALICIA PROFESSIONAL HAIRSTYLIST ON THE GO!
        Exceptional Pre-School in the Cornwall Hill   1 day a week for the past 18 years. He is an   Looking for a qualified, experienced, friendly and good
        Country Estate. Grade 0000- Grade 0.   excellent worker, is friendly, reliable and honest.  hairstylist in the comfort of your own home? Call Alicia
        Started in 2003. Highly Qualified Educators.   Contact Andriase on 078 028 5764, or for a   today at 071 567 9615 to book your appointment.
        Feeder School: Cornwall Hill College.   reference contact Carien on 082 823 4900.  Based right here in Centurion Golf Estate.
        Contact Sharon Rosema 082 904 8157                                    Offers: Haircuts; Blowing; Setting; Treatments;
        https// Extra Afrikaans lessons   Dumisane Mpila is looking for a job as a   Mycro Keratin Treatment; Straightening Treatment;
        Grade 1-10. Tutoring: Grade 1-4.   gardener. He is a South African citizen. Dumisane   Events: Make-up; Weddings; Parties.
                                           is available Monday until Saturday. He is
        LEARN ENGLISH                      trustworthy and a hard worker. Dumisane is   EDELWEISSE TEETH WHITENING CLINIC
        AMBASSADOR International English Language   fluent in English and Afrikaans. He also has a   UPGRADE YOUR SMILE GAME: Experience a one-hour
        School. Beginner to Advanced & IELTS courses   driver’s licence. Kindly contact him on   teeth whitening session in a tranquil environment in
        In-Person or Online. Group Classes or Private   079 723 6152 or alternatively on 064 941 8295.   Waterkloof. Dazzling results guaranteed 4-8 shades
        Lessons. WhatsApp +27 78 721 0541  Reference: Marika 083 415 3415     lighter. Only R650.00. Contact Edelweisse on                                             083 306 9108 to book your appointment.
                                           Qhubane Nkosi, 42 yrs old, is looking for garden
        GAS SUPPLY SERVICES                work in the Centurion Residential Estate,   LIGHTING, ELECTRICAL, SOLAR AND FTTV
        DoGAS                              Southdowns or Highveld. Available Monday   SERVICES
        SANS 10087 applies to all domestic gas   to Friday and is immediately available. Qhu is   MULTI-TECH EFS
        installations. Non-compliance negatively affects   a capable garden worker. He is able to prune   Electrical-Fire-Security - For all your home and business
        your safety and home insurance.    shrubs and kreepers, applies weedkiller on   needs on electrical works, security and fire prevention
        Contact DoGAS for a free assessment to ensure   paving, does weeding in flower beds and tidies   requirements. Call us on 072 397 8813 or 072 347 3187.
        your compliance. Phone: +27 65 724 5178  up neatly. Qhu is able to follow instructions very   Email:
        Email:     well, he is friendly and neat, he works diligently
                                           and fast, extremely trustworthy and reliable and   THE LIGHTING ONE STOP
        FALCON GAS                         is fully literate. He can speak English fluently.   Contact us for all your solar needs.
        Try our exceptional service for your LPG cylinder   Qhu Nkosi 063 843 9682. Contact me, Martyn   For free quotations and advice call us:
        refill / new cylinder supply. We comply to all   de Beer, on 082 337 3545 for a reference and I   012 993 1761 or visit us on:
        Estate Safety & Security regulations.   can arrange for an interview. (I am a Resident in
        *FREE delivery to home or business within   Centurion Golf Estate).   FTTV DIENSTE CC
        Cornwall Hill. Call: 073 818 3532.                                    FTTV Services – Installation, design, upgrade and repair
        Email:   Vivien is looking for gardening work on   of: Home Automation, Home Theatre Systems, Internet,
                                           Thursdays. He is hardworking and very   WiFi, Audio & Video, Satellite TV (Dstv or OVHD), Multi
        GENERAL                            trustworthy. He takes initiative and does not   Room Audio, CCTV Systems. Call 083 654 0634.
        DOMESTIC                           require constant guidance.
        Elizabeth Mahlangu is looking for domestic work   Call him on 061 250 0966.  LOCKSMITH
        on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She works                        BRAD’S LOCK AND KEY
        for us two days a week and is very reliable and   KJL WOOD & ALU      Anything to do with keys or doors sorted. Also custom
        friendly. Contact Elizabeth on 079 851 6428 or for   Repair, restoration and new installation of:   gates fitted and gate/ garage motors. Tel: 011 802 4114.
        a reference contact Sandra 072 277 8008.  wooden doors, windows and decking. Custom   Cell: 082 854 9898 Email:
                                           joinery. Aluminium servicing and repair as well as
        Genett Mofokeng is looking for domestic work   restoration of faded aluminium frames.
        on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She is in   Please contact Kobus Langeveldt:   PEST CONTROL SERVICES AND OTHER
        my employment for two days a week since 2014.   074 615 8579 or  PEST CONTROL, CLEANING AND HYGIENE
        Reliable, friendly, trustworthy, and very good                        With over 46 years of experience in the industry, we
        with general cleaning and ironing. Contact Genett   PAINTING AND ROOF SEALING  specialize in providing solutions tailored to meet the
        on 063 913 5457, or for a reference contact   For painting and roof sealing, phone Enoch   unique needs of both individuals and businesses. Pest:
        Carien on 082 823 4900.            071 464 5061 for free quotes. He has a long track   012 656 1341; Clean: 012 654 5534.
                                           record in the Estate.
        Sarah Moloi is looking for domestic work on                           PLUMBING
        Tuesdays & Thursdays. She is currently working for   MM UPHOLSTERY    The leading name in plumbing and maintenance,
        us for three days a week. She lives on the estate.  For all upholstery work on golf cart seats,   now offering municipal water backup and rainwater
        Very reliable; has worked for us for 20 years.  cabanas, raincovers, storage covers, couches,   harvesting solutions. 012 654 2513 / 071 875 0218.
        Contact Janet 082 676 8444 for references or   ottomans, headboards, outdoor cushions, motor
        Helen 082 908 8999. Sarahs number 072 939 5239  trimmings, boat trimmings, etc, contact Igne at
                                           082 650 9631 or Wilma at 082 448 3543.  If you would like to advertise in the Centurion Golf
        GARDENER                                                              Estate Interface Classifieds section, please email
        Gardener available for a Tuesday and Thursday.   GOLF CART ZONE       Angela Fourie at by the
        Edward is an excellent, hardworking gardener and   For all your Golf Cart Service needs/Accessories/  15  of every month. The Classifieds section is only
        have a pleasant personality. He has been working   Golf Cart Seats/Golf Cart Refurbishments.
        in the estate for over 10 years. I can highly   Call Igne: 082 650 9631 / Retief: 082 413 9046 or   available to Centurion Golf Estate residents and
        recommend him and he also has a driving license.   Wilma: 082 448 3543. We situated at   there is no charge for residents to advertise here.
        My contact nr: Anneke 082 920 6287  31 Kwartsiet Street, Zwartkops, Centurion  Please include your stand number and contact
                                                                              details for references. This Classifieds section
        Philemon is looking for gardening work in the   CALLING ALL PET LOVERS!
        Tue, Wed and Fri. He is fluent in English and   Donations of dog food and blankets are being   is not for the use of businesses. All Classified
        very reliable. Philemon is very friendly, diligent,   collected for Pretoria Dog Rescue. They currently   advertisements will be removed monthly. Please
        trustworthy and have many years of experience.   have 54 medium to large size dogs that they   inform us by email before the 15  of every month if
        Please contact Franc on 072 399 7090 for a   care for. Contact Irene Theron, 082 570 3223 to   you would like to repeat your previous advert.
        reference.                         arrange collection or delivery of any donations.

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