Page 6 - Interface December Issue 2024
P. 6


        Dear Residents,                     and new technologies. This year, we’ve   room. This team does not hesitate to go the
                                            focused on enhancing our estate’s   extra mile and serves our members to the
        I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to   security infrastructure by upgrading our   best of their ability.
        all of you who voted for me and entrusted   CCTV systems and adding additional
        me with the role of Security Director.   cameras to previously uncovered   As we approach the festive season,
        It is both a privilege and an honour to   areas. We are also exploring advanced   residents are kindly requested to consider
        contribute to the ongoing enhancement of   technologies that allow our control room   contributing to our Guard Bonus Initiative.
        our estate’s security and to manage its daily   to receive intelligence-based alerts,   Your generosity will go a long way in showing
        operations.                         further strengthening our ability to   our appreciation for the hard work and
                                            respond proactively.               commitment of the security team. Details for
        As we continue to work towards a safer                                 contributions will be provided.
        environment, I’d like to gently remind   We’ve also renewed our security contract
        everyone that effective security starts at   with Bidvest, and we remain highly   This Festive Season, I urge everyone to stay
        home. By promptly reporting any suspicious   satisfied with the professional service   safe and remain vigilant. For those travelling,
        activity to the control room, you empower   they continue to provide. All equipment is   we wish you safe and enjoyable journeys.
        us to serve our community better and   well-maintained and replaced at the end
        address potential issues swiftly.   of its life cycle.                 Warm regards,

        Our security team has once again    While we enjoy the safety and peace                  Jade
        maintained their high level of standards by   of mind our lifestyle affords us, it’s
        keeping us safe and secure in our estate.   important to remember that the ladies
        We are privileged and proud of our team   and gentlemen of our security team             Benson
        for their dedication.               often work long hours and travel great
                                            distances to serve us. They greet us with
        Security is a continuously evolving field that   a pleasant voice and a smile, whether we
        demands ongoing investment in upgrades   pass through the gate or call the control


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