Page 21 - Interface September 2024
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“Each exercise session lasts about 20 We need more comprehensive, long-
minutes, yet it’s as effective in improving term research to determine if Rooibos
cardiovascular fitness as traditional 60 can be a sustainable remedy for
minute sessions of low to moderate managing T2D and CVD.”
intensity exercise,” notes Prof Terblanche.
Prof Terblanche’s study is a significant
The study’s first phase, which began step in this direction. By examining
recently, involves women aged 18-40. The the combined effects of Rooibos and
second phase, slated for completion by exercise, and considering dietary
mid-2025, will focus on women over 40 influences, the research aims to provide
who are pre-diabetic or diabetic. actionable insights into the potential of
Rooibos as a health intervention.
Why Rooibos?
Rooibos is rich in unique polyphenols, The quest for effective, accessible
which are known for their antioxidant treatments for obesity-related conditions
properties. These compounds have like T2D and CVD is ongoing. Her
shown promise in preliminary studies study represents a pioneering effort
involving cell cultures and animal to explore Rooibos’ potential in this
models. Prof Terblanche says there is context. “I’m confident about Rooibos,
substantial evidence suggesting that but as researchers, we need to test it in
Rooibos can improve cardiovascular Prof Elmarie Terblanche, research lead at real-world conditions. If our findings are
and metabolic health, however, most of Stellenbosch University positive, it could pave the way for more
these studies have used Rooibos extracts focused research and ultimately provide
in concentrated capsule forms. Our study a natural, accessible option for improving
is the first to examine the effects of “Healthy eating and regular exercise health outcomes.”
Rooibos consumption – in tisane (herbal are crucial in managing and preventing
infusion) form – in humans, specifically T2D, CVD and many other diseases As the study progresses, the scientific
women.” of lifestyle,” says Prof Terblanche. community and the public alike will
“However, many people struggle to be watching closely, hopeful that this
Prof Terblanche and her team will maintain these healthy habits. Rooibos beloved South African tisane might hold
conduct a series of tests to measure could provide a simpler, more accessible the key to better health.
markers of inflammation, glycaemic intervention.”
control and cardiovascular fitness. Issued by Meropa Communications on
Participants will undergo blood tests, She is cautiously optimistic about the behalf of the SA Rooibos Council.
body composition analyses and treadmill potential of Rooibos. “If regular Rooibos
fitness assessments. This comprehensive consumption can offer the health
approach aims to provide a clearer benefits suggested by animal studies,
picture of how Rooibos influences various it might be a viable option for those
health parameters. unable or unwilling to adhere
to strict exercise regimens.
“We will also consider participants’ However, whether Rooibos
diets, as high carbohydrate intake could alone can mitigate the
potentially undermine the positive effects effects of a poor diet
of Rooibos,” she explains. “No previous remains to be seen.”
studies have accounted for diet in this
way, making our research unique.” Despite the
Potential impact on T2D and preliminary
CVD treatment evidence, long-
Obesity is a major risk factor for chronic term studies on the
diseases like T2D and CVD, contributing effects of Rooibos
to insulin resistance, pathological fat in humans are
distribution and chronic inflammation. scarce. “Current
Traditional pharmaceutical treatments for research suggests
these conditions often have significant a dosage of six cups
side effects and are not always accessible, per day, but this is
particularly in low- and middle-income based on short-term
countries. studies.
INTERFACEDigimag | September 2024 | 19