Page 12 - Dainfern Valley
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ur mom told us she even be a tap to provide us with
discovered a very cool cool drinking water after playing
Oplace for us: an off-leash with our friends. My mom
dog park. That is not all: It is in our does get annoyed when some
Estate! We first went there when humans don’t pick up their
we were small pups, just after July dogs’ mess.
last year. We are Charlie and Sienna.
Then it was winter and it was dry Sometimes when our mommy
and the trees didn’t have many takes us there, our human INSECTS FOUND ON THE
leaves. Now it is a beautiful space, brothers and sisters come along. DOG PARK WALKS
shady trees, large open spaces for Then they catch butterflies,
us to run. There are even benches take photographs of spiders,
for our humans to sit on. grasshoppers and anything they
can find. We just like chasing
Being the social beings that the butterflies. Every time we
we are, we have made many go to the park, we hope our
friends. Hunter, Scotchy and friends are there. There are so
more. Some dogs are shy and many socialised dog friends
do not like to be named. We that we look forward to making
are not those dogs. We love new friends. Until then, Hunter
attention and sharing the dog and Scotchy, you are our best
park with as many friends as friends.
possible. Aunty Judy and her
Servest team are going to get We are really privileged to have
rid of all the thorns, they have such a beautiful park in our
already started. They will sow estate.
water-wise grass and irrigate
and then it will be lush and Thank you Dainfern Valley
green, just like the rest of our for looking after your canine
beautiful Estate. There might residents too.