Page 2 - Dainfern Valley
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A Word from our Chairman

         Dear Residents
         I trust you are keeping well and safe with the COVID-19 infection rates continuing to be high
         nationally, provincially, and in our broader neighbourhood.
         As indicated at the recently held AGM, the voting for the updated Constitution will commence
         shortly through the Estate’s Members’ Portal. Please could I ask that all members cast their
         votes as a high percentage vote is required in order to approve the amended Constitution. As
         has been communicated in various member communications and was indicated at the AGM,
         the amendments to the Constitution are substantially to align it with current estate best
         practice. In this regard, input was obtained from the Association of Residential Communities
         and we contracted an attorney who undertakes a significant amount of estate-related work to
         provide input into the update process.

         The Board has been very focussed over the past month considering alternative arrear debtor
         collection strategies to both reduce the impact of legal fees on our cash flow position, and
         consideration is also being given to using service providers which operate more extensively
         in the corporate environment to enhance collections from arrear debtors. Whilst this area
         continues to be challenging due to a weaker economic environment, the Board is committed
         to taking the necessary action to address this issue.

         I would like to commend all those residents who have started working on their gardens and
         verges in anticipation of spring which is just around the corner. This contributes significantly
         to the overall appearance of the estate which benefits us all.

                                                    Sebastian Carter

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