Page 9 - Dainfern Valley_Issue 1_2022
P. 9

HOUSEKEEPING                                           SECURITY                      STAFF MATTERS



                                                   Please note the Security Emergency number is
                                                079 060 5413

                                                  Please remember to call our Security Emergency
          We welcome the following new members    number if you have any suspicion that you are being
                 to our beautiful Valley
       and trust their stay will be a long and happy one!  followed home and emergency vehicles will be sent to
                                                   your location to escort you safely into our estate.
              Vaibhav & Gurnandan Kaur          We also remind residents to please ensure their doors   Congratulations to    We welcome Jan Reichel   We also welcome Katlego
            Oluseyi & Olubusayo Adeyemo           and windows are locked at night and when away on   Mr Paul Mageza on   as FSS Security Manager.  Khumalo as Portia’s   Congratulations to Portia on the birth
                                                                                                                               replacement while she is
                                                                                                his promotion to DVHA
                  Patricia Obozuwa                           business or vacations.             Security Manager.              on maternity leave.  of her beautiful healthy twins.

        APPROVAL OF PAINT COLOURS                                            RENOVATIONS                              SPEEDING WITHIN
                                                                                                                    THE ESTATE – 35km

                   Please note that approval
                   of paint colours now                                                                             Thank you to residents who have assisted with the
                   requires all proposed                                          We remind residents
                   colour swatches to be painted 1m X 1m on walls of the home concerned, in   to please submit plans   speeding campaign, there is a marked
                   full sunshine and in full shade, before approval can be obtained by Estate                       improvement in the reduction of
                   management in conjunction with our Estate Architect, Mr Kevin Els.  to the Estate Office for
                                                                                 approval by our Estate             speeding in our very special lifestyle
                   No small colour swatches will be accepted at the Estate Office for approval.   Architect before any   estate. If you notice anyone
                   This new process is required as the small swatches are often very deceiving.
                   To avoid unnecessary expenses and as per our Estate and Architectural rules,   renovations begin.    exceeding the speed limit, please
                            please ensure your earthy colours and the process required are   The plan scrutiny fee    send registration number plate
                                    approved by the DVHA before painting commences.
                                                                                        is R2 250.                  and we will address this issue.

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