Page 8 - Dainfern Valley_Issue 5_2022
P. 8

ESTATE GARDENS                                                ummer made a spectacular entrance halfway
                                                                       through September with a heat wave and
                                                                  Stemperatures ranging from 33 – 35 degrees!!!

                                                                  The garden beds have been well prepared and rested
                                                                  before the planting of our summer colour which was
                                                                  specially propagated according to plan and design.
                                                                  By popular demand, New Guinea Impatients have
                                                                  been included again this year. We hope to surprise
                                                                  everyone with a “huge summer burst” shortly!

                                                                  As always, attention is given to more water-wise and
                                                                  low maintenance plants without lowering our garden
                                                                  standards. This plan seems to be working well and is
     Summer                                                       We have done a massive amount of garden
                                                                  very necessary going forward in SA with the unknown
                                                                  rainfall patterns.

                                                                  maintenance for summer with the removal of
                                                                  fever trees outside the estate office, which were
                  GARDENING                                       causing havoc with the building structure, and
                                                                  recurring plumbing and sewage costs. The removal
                                                                  of a lightning struck tree was taken down for safety
                                                                  reasons. The cutting back of frosted plant material
                                                                  and preparing beds for summer colour.

                                                                  The team has been hard at work doing various
                                                                  upgrades and maintenance of the gardens, ponds and
                                                                  dams as well as creating new designs in the common
                                                                  belts around the estate!

                                                                  We cannot wait for you to witness the mystical
                                                                  ethereal colours of summer around the estate!

                                                                  Special thanks to our gardening team for the
                                                                  speed at which you work together, with Mother
                                                                  Nature, especially in these extreme and varied
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