Page 17 - Dainfern Valley Issue 5_2023
P. 17


       Plum Christmas Pudding: Stirring                            An Unexpected Japanese Tradition:        •  Las Posadas in Mexico: A nine-day celebration leading up to
       Up Symbolism                                                 KFC’s Christmas Feast                      Christmas, Las Posadas re-enacts Mary and Joseph’s search for
       Originating from a Roman Catholic                            In Japan, a unique Christmas tradition     shelter. Communities come together for processions, breaking
 Celebrating the Season in Global Style  decree, the 13-ingredient Christmas   in a KFC Christmas dinner on Christmas   •  Hogmanay in Scotland: The Scottish New Year celebration,
                                                                    involves 3.6 million families indulging
                                                                                                               piñatas, and sharing traditional foods like tamales.
       pudding symbolises Christ and the
       twelve apostles. Families would gather                     Eve. The phenomenon began in the early       Hogmanay, is marked by lively street parties, the singing of
       to make the pudding, stirring the batter                  seventies when KFC Japan cleverly marketed    “Auld Lang Syne,” and the custom of “first-footing,” where the
       from east to west to commemorate the                   a holiday bucket with the tagline “here is       first person to enter a home after midnight brings symbolic gifts
       Magi’s journey. While the original recipe included   something that you should do on Christmas.” Today,   for good luck.
       raisins, currants, beef suet, citrus zest, almonds, and   KFC franchises in Japan rub their hands together in   •  Saint Nicholas Day in the Netherlands: On December 5th,
       spices, the introduction of plums led to the creation   glee as families embrace this unconventional yet   children eagerly anticipate the arrival of Sinterklaas,
       of the beloved Christmas pudding that graces tables   delightful tradition.                             who leaves gifts in their
       worldwide.                                                                                              shoes. Parades, traditional sweets,
                                                         Global Festive Traditions: A Mosaic of                and festive decorations add to the
       Stollen: From Humble Beginnings to Christmas      Celebrations                                          excitement.
       Indulgence                                        While the above traditions                          •  Kwanzaa in the United States:
       Originally a bland Advent                         showcase the diversity of                               Celebrated by African-
       meal in fifteenth-                                Christmas celebrations, the                               American communities,
       century monasteries,                              holiday season’s global                                   Kwanzaa spans seven days,
       stollen underwent a                               tapestry extends far beyond                                each dedicated to a different
       transformation when                               these culinary delights. Let’s                             principle, such as unity, self-
       Saxon nobility sought                             take a whirlwind tour of festive                          determination, and creativity.
       the Pope’s permission                             traditions around the world.                              Families light candles on the kinara,
       to include butter in                              •  Hanukkah: Also known as                              exchange handmade gifts, and share a feast.
       the recipe. Granted in                               the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah
       1491, this dried fruit- and                          commemorates the miracle of a                   These diverse traditions showcase the beauty of global
       marzipan-flavoured bread                             small amount of oil lasting eight days. Families   celebrations, each imbued with its unique customs, symbols, and
       became a luxurious Christmas                         light the menorah, exchange gifts, and enjoy foods   sense of community. May your holiday season be a celebration of
       treat, symbolising the swaddled Baby Jesus.          fried in oil, such as latkes and sufganiyot.    unity, diversity, and the shared spirit of goodwill.

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