Page 5 - Dainfern Valley Issue 5_2023
P. 5


                                               TURFNET GARDEN MAINTENANCE               POTHOLE REPAIR
                                               AND CLEANUP
                                                                                        Estate maintenance staff assist in
                                               Keeping Broadacres Drive clean is such   repairing potholes on Broadacres Drive.
                                               a simple and humble occupation that      The BDA has also approached the
                                               most people don’t pay attention to it.   Johannesburg Roads Association (JRA)
                                               Removing debris and rubbish from the     to resurface Broadacres Drive. The JRA
                                               gutters and roadsides that would’ve gone   have approved a section to be resurfaced
                                               into the storm water drains, prevents    and are awaiting the scheduling of
                                               water building up on the roads due       the implementation team. They are

       FOLLOW ME HOME EMERGENCY                to storm water drains being blocked,     also planning to budget for the rest of
       NUMBER                                  and also water minimises erosion from    Broadacres Drive to be resurfaced in the
                                               improperly flowing water runoff. Having   next financial year.
         064 807 8499                          a clean road also prevents debris from
                                               damaging vehicle tyres and paintwork.
                                               The Turfnet cleaners continuously clean
       Should you be concerned that you are    and maintain the areas especially around
       being followed home, please call the    the taxi drop-offs on William Nicol and
       Emergency number and Thompson’s         Broadacres Drives.
       Security will escort you to your Estate

                                                                                             COMMUNITY COMES FIRST

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