Page 3 - Energize May 2021
P. 3
Minister’s comments
about Koeberg
by Roger Lilley, Now Media
The minister of mineral resources and energy, Gwede Mantashe, seems committed to extending
Koeberg’s operational lifespan by a further 20 years, without being able to reassure anyone that
the nuclear plant will survive that long.
peaking to parliament on 13 May 2021, the minister said The minister’s comment “Koeberg is not Chernobyl” offers
Eskom “owns” the Koeberg nuclear power station and cold comfort. Prior to the Chernobyl disaster, and even after the
Swishes to keep its asset operating for a further 20 years accident, Russian officials insisted there was no risk to human life.
beyond its designed end-of-life date. He insisted that Koeberg But thousands of people died; the rate of cancer surged in people
would remain an important part of South Africa’s electricity who lived 400 km away from Chernobyl; children were born with
generating mix well into the future since it provides the country abnormalities; and many are still suffering the after-effects of nuclear
with the cheapest source of electricity. radiation from the Chernobyl accident.
Unfortunately, the minister failed to address the real issue Just as the builders and owners of the Titanic believed the ship
regarding Koeberg: safety. Recent reports have highlighted the to be unsinkable, so the minister seems to believe Koeberg will be
severe damage that the nuclear power station’s containment safe for another twenty years. He seems to base this on the fact that
buildings have suffered during 40 years of exposure to sea air. “there is no record of Koeberg being a danger”.
“Eskom is fully cognisant of the risk of corrosion of civil Yet when pressed for an answer as to whether the nuclear power
structures at the Koeberg Power Station, which is a result of the station’s containment building would withstand the pressure a
station being located in a corrosive environment”, the power utility compromised nuclear reactor would exert upon it, the minister could
said in a statement earlier this year. not answer, other than to ask the questioner to pose his question to
Here’s the burning question: Would Koeberg survive another the minister of public enterprises who is responsible for Eskom.
20 years of exposure to the sea air, or would the containment This reaction makes one wonder why Mantashe spoke about
buildings become so weak that they collapse in the event of even Koeberg at all, since its not in his portfolio and therefore not his
a minor accident? responsibility.
Koeberg, like all of South Africa’s power stations, is “off limit” to Eskom has, in recent years, demonstrated its propensity – for
the public. The power utility’s website says “Visits are limited to the one reason or another – to defer essential maintenance or neglect it
Visitors Centre only. Tours of the power station are not permitted.” all together.
It is therefore impossible for the media to reassure – or warn – Since this has been true of most – if not all – of its older coal-
the public of the power station’s condition. fired power stations, why should the public believe that all the
How badly corroded are the reinforcing rods? mandatory checks have been made at Koeberg and all necessary
How much of the concrete is dissolving? steps have been taken to ensure the public’s safety?
No one knows, because we’re not being told. The concern is that even without an accident, ongoing structural
This journal challenged the utility to allow a team of independent damage to the containment building would require expensive, time
structural engineers, accompanied by members of the media, to consuming major reconstruction of the buildings. This would entail
examine the structure. shutting Koeberg down for a lengthy period and would add pressure
To date, all we have been told by Eskom is that “ongoing testing to the rest of the already constrained power stations.
on the Koeberg containment buildings, which house the reactor and Its time for Eskom to answer the challenge to allow independent
associated nuclear components, have proven the structures to be structural engineers to examine the containment buildings, in the
capable of withstanding the most severe accident.” presence of a few recognised and respected media representatives,
One must wonder then, that if indeed there’s nothing to worry so that public can be told the true condition of the Koeberg plant.
about, as Eskom says, why not allow independent scrutiny? If the buildings are no longer fit-for-purpose, or will soon need
In the meantime, the rumours of possible radiation leakage, in major refurbishment, now is the time to reconsider the power
the event of an accident, continue to circulate, creating great alarm station’s future. n
and concern for the residents of Cape Town – just 30 km away as
the crow flies. Send your comments to
energize | May 2021 | 1