Page 30 - Energize November 2021
P. 30


        The evolution of Pratley’s flameproof cast iron junction box

            ratley has been manufacturing    it is not that common in the industry, which is why we advocate the use of our junction
            flameproof junction boxes since   boxes together with our own Ex e Kwikblok terminals as an extra level of protection,” adds
       Pthe 1960s. Over the years, it has    Breedt. Another key differentiator of Pratley flameproof cast iron junction boxes is their
        refined the design of these enclosures,   IP68 rating, the standard being a minimum IP54 rating. The increased rating means that
        making Pratley’s cast iron flameproof   Pratley’s junction boxes are completely dust-protected and watertight with up to 2 m of
        junction boxes well-known in the mining   water head.
        and petrochemical industries.          “Should you not need a Zone 0 rating, we recommend our non-sparking end
           With the recent IECEx approval of   connectors, as these have a locknut to secure the connection so that they cannot vibrate
        these junction boxes, Pratley has proven   loose. Here a sleeve is also fitted on the outside as a means of insulation,” highlights
        its commitment to world-class product   Breedt.
        development and innovation. One of      “The important part to remember, if you are advising anyone on such an installation,
        these innovations is to offer Pratley’s   is that this termination is now suitable for Zone 0 applications, with minimal additional
        unique increased-safety (Ex e) Kwikblok   consideration,” he adds.
        terminals as a termination option inside   There is a separate zoning system for gases and dust. Zoning itself is based on a risk
        the flameproof junction box, essentially   assessment approach, meaning that Zone 0 is where there is a specific hazard, in relation
        doubling the level of protection.    to an explosive gas atmosphere, under all circumstances and normal operating conditions.
           “By combining our flameproof      That means it is either submerged in or nearby a source of explosive gas, such that the
        junction box with our Kwikblok terminals,   concentration is explosive for the entire duration of the equipment’s use.
        we can prevent arcing or sparking      Zone 1 is where the hazard is present only some of the time, such that in most normal
        across the connections themselves,”   operating conditions there is minimal risk of a hazardous vapour being present around
        explains Pratley’s electrical research &   the enclosure. Zone 2 is where it is unlikely that there is a hazardous atmosphere or
        development manager Sven Breedt. In   where there is an insufficient concentration that can be ignited under normal operating
        addition, electrical current limitations   conditions.
        prevent those terminals from exceeding   In terms of dust, Zone 20 is where there is an explosive dust atmosphere, such as dust
        their service temperatures, together   packed onto or around the enclosure, or suspended in the surrounding air, for the entire
        with limiting creepage and clearance or   duration of that enclosure’s use. Zone 21 references only a part-time hazard around the
        tracking distance. This means that the   enclosure, while Zone 22 refers to abnormal operating conditions only.
        terminals are spaced such that there   The Pratley junction boxes are manufactured from fine-grained cast iron for increased
        can be no arcs or sparks across the   strength, robustness and impact resistance. This is critical, as they are intended to
        connections, adding a second dimension   withstand extremely high explosion pressures, unlike Ex e enclosures which are intended
        to the safety.                       to prevent an explosion inside the enclosure altogether. Flameproof enclosures can contain
           Flameproof junction boxes are     the explosive pressures and hot gases and allow the latter to exit the enclosure via a
        specifically designed to house equipment   precision-machined flame path.
        that arcs or sparks, meaning that any
        termination type can be fitted into these
        enclosures. However, with the inclusion
        of increased-safety terminals inside a
        flameproof enclosure, the terminations
        rating is pushed up to Zone 0 (two
        independent levels of protection via EPL
        Gb, per SANS/IEC 60079-14/26), meaning
        it can now be installed in an environment
        where there is a constant hazardous
           Here a typical application would be
        on the inside of a fuel storage tank with a
        dip sensor or a pump power supply unit,
        where the internal environment of the
        tank poses a constant hazard in terms of
        both oxygen and flammable vapour or
        gas, that can be ignited.
           “While this is a useful combination,

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