Page 9 - Energize September 2021 HR
P. 9
Mobile robots streamline the transport of
medical vials in pharmaceutical clean room
After searching extensively, pharmaceutical company Norman
found autonomous mobile robots produced by OMRON, a leader
in industrial automation, to be ideal for work in its clean rooms.
Robots boosted production reducing transport after building a similar work area, and it
time by 40% meeting FDA regulations was here where a fine tuning to fulfil all
Established in 1937, Madrid-based company, the performance and safety requirements
Normon, has been manufacturing high- was done, highlighting that was very easy
quality medicines for over 80 years, serving from the Normon point of view to make the
customers in the pharmaceutical and commissioning in just one week working in
healthcare sectors throughout Europe and production mode.
in the US. The company prides itself in its Normon was pleased with the help
advanced technology and innovation, and its and advice provided by both OMRON and
ability to produce affordable medicines in a Mipelsa, including a redesign of a tray holder
sustainable way. to include a slight bend in one of the tubes
Normon was using automated guide holding the structure, which resulted in a
vehicles (AVGs) within the production more robust construction, this being the
process. However, following a change most relevant in the application to reduce As the OMRON robots have exceeded
in the environment in which the robots the presence of humans in an “A class” Normon’s expectations, additional future
needed to be deployed, the company working area as specified by the FDA in implementations are being planned. Miguel
discovered that the AGVs were too large their requirements. No modifications in the Ángel Esteban concludes: “Intralogistics
to be used in certain clean rooms. Robots environment were needed when integrating solutions such as this are key to meeting
used in this environment must meet the robots, which were ready for trials within the needs of our pharmaceutical customers,
stringent requirements to prevent them a week. especially in clean room environments. With
for acting as a source of contamination. A OMRON’s project manager, Miguel the newest additions to our mobile robot
different type of robot would be required Ángel Esteban, says: “Since the first fleet, including mobile robots capable of
for the clean room application, as without implementations of OMRON mobile robots transporting heavy loads, we can offer a
robots, highly trained and qualified in 2018 and 2019, Normon now operates solution to a wide range of applications.”
operators would have to transport the one of the first and largest mobile robot As a leader in industrial automation,
products within the clean rooms, instead fleets in Europe, with 18 mobile robots in OMRON has extensive lines of control
of focusing on their own tasks. service. According to Normon, the project components and equipment, ranging from
Normon’s head engineer, Jose María was a huge success when the robots have vision sensors and other input devices to
Urdillo, comments: “We were looking at demonstratively boosted production after various controllers and output devices
the different solutions in the market and one month in operation.” such as servomotors, as well as a range
particularly interested in autonomous This proved to be the case- productivity of safety devices and industrial robots.
mobile robots (AMRs), but these were not improved significantly, as 111 000 vials could By combining these devices via software,
able to meet our criteria. However, we then be transported in 40% less time than before, OMRON has developed a variety of unique
came across an impressive AMR produced reducing the length of stay in the plant’s “A and highly effective automation solutions
by OMRON, which was suitable for work in class” area. This means that the production for manufacturers worldwide. Based on
clean rooms. process that previously took one and a half its reservoir of advanced technologies
The OMRON LD mobile robot could be shifts can now be completed in less than a and comprehensive range of devices,
personalised to meet Normon’s specific shift. The FDA regulations require no people OMRON set forth a strategic concept
needs and was very easy to install in the to be present in an “A class” area, and this called “innovative-Automation” consisting
plant. The whole implementation process has been made possible thanks to OMRON’s of three innovations or “I”’s: Integrated
took just three days and was carried out mobile robots. (control evolution), Intelligent (development
by Mipelsa, an integrator that specialises Following the introduction of the robots, of intelligence by ICT), and Interactive
in the implementation and maintenance employees can perform more specialised (new harmonization between people and
of electronic products, including those tasks and functions within the clean room, machines). OMRON is now committed to
involved in industrial automation. OMRON adding more value to their work and bringing innovation to manufacturing sites
worked closely with the system integrator ultimately the company. What is noteworthy by materializing this concept.
throughout the whole process. about this specific project is that not one
The installation and start up in the employee has been re-deployed or made Contact Omron Electronics,
Normon factory, was extremely fast, redundant by the introduction of the robots Tel 011 579-2600,,
previously tested in the Mipelsa laboratory in the “A Class” area of Normon.
energize | September 2021 | 7