Page 64 - Energize January 2022
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        increased between 2010 and 2014, as
        projects shifted further offshore into
        deeper waters and started using the
        latest multi-megawatt (MW) designs.
        They then reached a peak before
        declining, with the LCOE down 33%
        between 2014 and 2019, from $0,183/
        kWh to $0,115/kWh. The largest decline
        was between 2015 and 2016 – 14% –
        and then between 2018 and 2019, by
        10%. The factors driving this trend were
        identical to those driving installed costs
        and capacity factors and were driven by
        learning-by doing, supply chain dynamics
        and – indirectly – by learning-by-RD&D.
        An increase in capacity factors was
        driven by technology improvements,   Figure 2: Capacity factors (2010 - 2019)
        in turbine design and manufacturing
        and diversity in the design of turbines
        for different operating conditions. This   with conventional power sources.
        was followed by the development and    RD&D efforts have also managed to decrease costs and eventually reverse the additional
        adoption of international standards which   costs of moving wind farms farther from shore and into deeper waters. This deployment
        enabled more competitive global supply   brings the additional benefit of farms being sited in locations with stronger and more
        chains. Falling LCOEs occurred against   consistent wind speed.
        the background of a ninefold increase in   The global weighted-average offshore wind capacity factor increased by 19% between
        installed capacity between 2010 and 2019   2010 and 2019 from 37% to 44%, with the highest global weighted average recorded in
        – from 3 GW to 28 GW – and a ninefold   2017, at 45% (Figure 2). In 2019, the range of capacity factors of newly installed projects
        increase in electricity generation between   was between 30% and 54%, while in 2010 it was between 29% and 41%. This wide range
        2010 and 2018, from 7,4 TWh to 68 TWh.   reflected a myriad of factors. These included the wind farm’s location (water depth, distance
           Over the 2010 to 2019 period, the   from the shore) and the wind speed, as well as the technology used (the turbine size, hub
        LCOE of offshore wind among frontrunning   heights and rotor diameter, etc.). Other factors included the configuration of the wind farm
        countries saw a declining trend, with   (turbine spacing within clusters along the coast).
        2019 seeing Denmark, followed by China,   Table 1 shows the changes in capacity factors in countries leading offshore wind
        Germany, the UK and Japan, report the   deployment between 2010, 2015 and 2019. Major increases in the capacity factor were
        lowest LCOEs. Offshore wind projects in   reported in the UK between 2010 and 2019, where it rose by 46%. Between 2015 and
        the UK, Denmark and Germany do not   2019, the UK saw an increase of 22%. Denmark’s capacity factor surge between 2010
        receive any subsidies, so their prices are   and 2019 was 12% (comparison with 2015 was not possible due to the lack of reported
        or are becoming competitive with other   projects). While there were no changes in capacity factors of China and Japan between
        conventional power sources.          2010 and 2015, their capacity factors increased by 10% and 7%, respectively, between
                                             2015 and 2019. Germany’s capacity factor decreased by 3% between 2010 and 2019 but
        Technology performance and project   increased by almost 5% between 2015 and 2019. Germany’s capacity factor was, however,
        Offshore wind has benefitted from
        innovations across the supply chain and
        in O&M. Offshore wind turbines have
        benefitted from significant technological
        improvements over the past ten years,
        resulting in larger-capacity turbines,
        increased rotor diameters and hub
        heights, which increase energy yields and
        have decreased installation costs. The
        main outcome of these improvements,
        however, has been to increase capacity
        factors and help drive down the LCOE,
        making offshore wind cost-competitive   Table 1: Capacity factors in selected countries (2010 - 2019)

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