Page 20 - Energize October 2022
P. 20


        Step-by-step digitalisation including examples and KELLER products        Complete vertical integration
        •  Specify data recording points/measuring points for a POC (proof of concept) Available   Pressure sensor or transmitter, remote
           level measuring point                                                  data transmission unit, KOLIBRI Cloud
        •  Define a suitable pressure transmitter based on requirements such as accuracy,
           compatibility of media, etc. Level sensor series 36XW for ground water levels   Open interfaces for all
        •  Select transmission technology LoRaWAN or mobile communications Remote data   components of the entire
           transmission unit ADT1-Tube for LoRaWAN or ARC1-Tube for mobile communications  measurement chain
                                                                                  Digitalisation of the pressure sensor signal
        Note: Check which network coverage is available at the measuring point for the selected   The pressure sensor signals are processed
        technology. The measuring points selected should be as close as possible to the person   and digitalised using an electronic circuit.
        responsible for the system so the discrepancy can be found and remedied in the event of a   This means they are converted into a
        fault on site. Verification of the measured values recorded should also be performed during   number (pressure) that can be retrieved
        operation at the measuring location.                                      via an interface. Other useful information
                                                                                  can also be taken from the pressure
        •  Operate measuring points with the help of a graphical representation in a cloud for a   sensor in addition to pressure and
           few weeks and monitor closely KOLIBRI Cloud                            temperature.
        •  Expand the measuring system (POC) with additional, possibly technically critical   In many cases, too little attention
           measuring points and close monitoring of any discrepancies Level measuring points,   is paid, during the initial process
           with poor reception or technical measuring issues                      considerations, to the importance of an
                                                                                  accurate, stable and reliable sensor. The
        Status quo                                                                sensor that records the data is one of
        According to this expanded concept, the entire system is to be fundamentally evaluated and   the most important parts of the system
        assessed with regard to whether the results correspond to expectations.   because decisions are made and actions
           Up until this stage, the IoT measuring system from Keller was able to be used with little   taken based on this sensor.
        investment. It must now be assessed whether the system is to be kept as it is and, as such,
        the digitalisation project concluded, or whether a deeper integration of the system into the   Remote transmission
        company’s software is desired.                                            Another important part of digitalisation is
                                                                                  transmission of the recorded data. Often
        •  Automatic data synchronisation between the measuring system and the company’s own   sensors are located in places that are
           cloud API software interface                                           far away from the central collection and
                                                                                  evaluation point, or the sensors cannot
        Note: The service providers of the company’s own software often do not know the process   be connected to a local communication
        of generating IoT measurement data. KELLER’s many years of experience helps here to   network.
        establish clear and concrete functional requirements for the measurement data it records in   The Internet of Things (IoT) is a global
        an external system.                                                       network that enables the exchange of

        Figure 3: Step-by-step digitalisation including examples and KELLER products

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