Page 51 - Energize October 2022
P. 51


        Mining companies demand alternative products to

          keep machines on amid supply chain challenges

                                              by Clive Maasch, Tank Industries

             fter briefly returning to pre-    What this means is that they
             pandemic levels, South Africa’s   are looking for effective repair and
        Agross domestic product (GDP)        maintenance solutions to ensure the
        contracted by 0,7% in Q2, with eight   longevity of mining infrastructure.
        of the country’s ten manufacturing   Electrical systems in particular require
        divisions reporting negative growth   constant maintenance to ensure their
        rates, due to the worsening economic   reliability and safety under harsh mining
        environment that has been affected by   conditions. With 26% of fatalities on
        continued disruptions to global supply   South African mines in the first half
        chains. This includes mining, historically   of this year reportedly being caused
        the backbone of the economy, which   by electrical accidents, maintenance
        recorded a decrease in output by 8%   becomes all the more crucial – as does
        year-on-year.                        training on the proper use of alternative
           As such, it is crucial to cement a   electrical products.
        solution to help the industry capitalise   Ideally, training should comply
        on favourable developments in global   with standards such as SANS 10198
        commodity markets such as stronger   and NRS 053:2008 which deal with the
        demand for and higher prices of coal in   selection, handling and installation of
        light of the energy crisis.          electric power cables and accessories.   Clive Maasch
           Although the fallout from the     To bridge the gap left by supply chain
        Covid-19 crisis still remains a primary   disruptions, Tank Industries has added
        cause of supply chain challenges, this   several cable and accessory product   About Tank Industries
        has been exacerbated by factors such as   ranges to its portfolio that have   Over the past 36 years, Tank Industries
        the conflict in Ukraine, fresh lockdowns   applications for newly built and existing   has established itself as a leading
        in China, and skyrocketing freight   open pit and underground mines. These   manufacturer and distributor of cable
        costs, amongst others – all of which   include electrical tapes and insulating   and cable accessories, supplying the
        are affecting the availability of crucial   solutions from Plymouth Rubber;   South African, African and international
        components used in day-to-day mining   specially formulated lubricants, sealants,   markets with a wide range of quality
        activities such as electrical power   adhesives and cleaners from Polywater;   power, telecoms and electronics
        supplies.                            and jointing solutions from Raychem.   solutions. Tank ensures reliable
           This, in turn, impedes production.   Training is also provided on their use   connectivity by not only using products
        Consequently, there has been a surge   along with technical support. If the past   that are tested by and comply with
        in demand for alternative products and   three years have shown us anything, it’s   the South African Bureau of Standards
        solutions from local suppliers. Not only   that uncertainty is the only certainty.   but by also using internationally and
        does this avoid dependence on those   But having an alternative supply chain   nationally recognised experts in their
        abroad, but also eliminates reliance on a   solution in place can help to reduce that   fields to educate customers on their
        solitary supplier for certain products. It is   uncertainty somewhat.     proper use. Additionally, Tank provides
        vital for the mining industry to ramp up   This will go a long way towards   comprehensive technical support and
        production to recover from the effects of   helping to build the mining industry back   advice, based on decades of cable
        the past three years.                up into the powerhouse it once was and   industry experience. The company is a
           However, it is also struggling    speed up South Africa’s economic growth   subsidiary of JSE-listed industrial group
        financially, with South Africa now rated   in line with the global trend.   Reunert and operates within the CBi
        as one of the ten most unattractive                                       Electric: African Cables division.
        countries in the world for mining    For more information, go to
        investment. Companies are therefore              Contact Tank Industries,
        also pushing for alternative products that                                Phone 021 700-4380,,
        help defer capital expenditure.      References available on request

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