Page 17 - Energize February 2022
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Information from Industrial Energy Accelerator recognition projects from Africa. The NAMA – Nationally
Appropriate Mitigation Action – refers to a set of policies and
outh Africa boasts the second largest and most industrialized actions undertaken by countries as part of a commitment to
economy on the African continent. In the decades since the reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Sadvent of democracy, South Africa’s economy has more than The project is funded by the Global Environment Facility
tripled in size. Yet energy insecurity, with rolling blackouts and a (GEF) with co-funding through the South African Department
significant dependence on fossil fuels, remain a challenge. of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic). The work is
According to the International Energy Agency, South Africa’s implemented by UNIDO and executed by the National Cleaner
industrial sector has the capacity to improve its energy intensity Production Centre South Africa (NCPC-SA – and a programme
— defined as energy consumption as a function of gross domestic of the dtic), and the Department of Mineral Resources and
product — by 37%. Energy intensity in the less energy-intensive Energy (DMRE) through the South African National Energy
manufacturing sectors, including food, beverage and textile Development Institute (SANEDI).
manufacturing, could improve by 40% between now and 2040 as
more electric heat pumps are deployed and efficiency is improved Impact
in electric motor-driven systems. Our target is to develop and showcase the lessons from 150
A nationwide shift toward efficient industrial energy South African demonstration plants, to enable their peers to
management, including capacity building and investment in local reduce their exposure to energy shortages through improved
entrepreneurship, could be major contributing factors to this. energy management and systems optimisation. To date our
Electricity supply interruptions have become a regular part of impact is as follows.
life in South Africa, with the national power utility indicating that • Six billion kWh of energy savings, roughly equivalent to
“load shedding” would continue. Investing in industrial energy the electricity needed for nearly two billion hours of air
efficiency will greatly help to take pressure off the country’s conditioning and powering 800 000 middle income South
strained electricity grid, reducing the risk of power outages and African home for 12 months
contributing to a more reliable energy supply for all South Africa’s • US$245 million in energy costs avoided
people. Industrial energy efficiency also plays a significant role • Six million tonnes of CO 2 GHG emissions avoided, equivalent
in reducing energy consumption by industrial employers, helping to the per capita emissions of more than 600 000 South
to create more sustainable and cleaner workplaces through the Africans.
adoption of energy system best practices and the capacitation of
plant energy teams. The burning of fossil fuels for energy consumption is among the
largest sources of global greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.
Accelerating industrial energy efficiency in South Africa So any effort to mitigate climate change must involve energy-
The South African Industrial Energy Efficiency Project (IEE Project) efficient strategies. After all, the easiest and cheapest clean
was launched in 2010, to assist industrial companies around the energy solution lies in the energy we don’t use.
country to improve their energy efficiency in order to reduce Significant focus and attention is needed in the industrial
national energy demand. Now in its second phase, the project sector, which accounts for more than a third of the world’s
supports increased and sustained energy efficiency in industrial primary energy use.
and selected commercial sectors, by accelerating the adoption Industrial energy efficiency is a critical first step in the
of EnMS, ESO and the Energy Management Standard ISO 50001 clean energy transition. Aside from the incredible benefits
series. Implementation is guided by a component approach, for our planet and people, energy-efficient technology and
focusing on: management practices provide numerous attractive benefits
• Supporting and informing energy efficiency policy development for business and the economy. From reducing operational
• Developing IEE skills in relevant sectors costs and boosting productivity, to improving energy security,
• Technical support to industry industrial energy efficiency is an opportunity too good to
• Demonstrating the impact of IEE through the dissemination of ignore.
case studies Yet despite its enormous potential, industrial energy
efficiency remains largely overlooked. The Industrial Energy
The IEE Project also serves as custodian of the SANS/ISO 50001 Accelerator is on a mission to change that.
Certification Register in South Africa. It is one of only two United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change NAMA
energize | February 2022 | 15