Page 23 - Energize February 2022
P. 23
should go wrong, we are there on- availability are invaluable, and it means we can pass this benefit on to our customers, too,”
demand to swap out faulty equipment,” says Hillidge.
adds Grobler. “In this way, we are putting AccuTech Weighing Services takes pride in the way they have operated throughout the
our money where our mouth is.” turbulent Covid-19 business environment and have now delivered over 16 500 machines
to clients around Africa. “There are many business opportunities for us as Africa continues
Understanding urgency to develop and modernise. Food, agriculture and mining are key industries which stand
“The saying that ‘time is money’ is to benefit greatly from innovation and automation. We are proud to deliver quality
clichéd but true. As an OEM, it is very equipment in support of this and look forward to continuing this work with the support of
important that we deliver on time. our dedicated suppliers,” concludes Hillidge.
This means we have to partner with
companies who share that sentiment. About Nidec Control Techniques
A mutual understanding of urgency In South Africa, Nidec Control Techniques represents and distributes Control Techniques
has made it an easy decision to keep drives and associated control equipment. Nidec Control Techniques is a leading provider of
working with Nidec Control Techniques. industrial automation solutions, with a presence across the country and a comprehensive
They deliver and swap out parts as and offering sure to extend the efficiency and life cycle of your plant and equipment.
when we need them and are always
ready to send us extra support if we Contact Jacqui Gradwell, Nidec Control Techniques, Phone 011 462-1740,
run into a problem. Their speed and,
Differential transmitter performs under pressure
obold differential pressure transmitter models PAD and PAS are microprocessor- Kobold PAD & PAS key features:
based, high-performance transmitters which have flexible pressure calibration Performance
Kand output, with automatic compensation of ambient temperature, and • High reference accuracy: ±0,075 % of calibrated
process-variable configurations of multiple parameters and HART protocol span (optional: ±0,04 % of calibrated span)
communication. • Long-term stability (0,125 % URL for 3 years)
Applications are varied and include critical media like steam, gases and liquids. • High rangeability (100:1) for range 4-0
Pressure, flow and level measurement are done by the application. The input of all Flexibility
data for sensors is added, modified and stored in EEPROM. • Data configuration with HART configurator
As an option, the Kobold PAD-F is also available as a flow-meter with a totalising • Zero-point adjustment
function in the PAD transmitter, enabling it to check the flow rate and totalising Reliability
flow. Flow rate is measured by using differential pressure without compensation • Continuous self-diagnostic function
of temperature and static pressure. The body of PAD-F is the same as the standard • Automatic ambient temperature compensation
device, except for the terminal block which has two more pulse out-put terminals. • EEPROM write protection
• Fail-mode process function
• CE EMC conformity standards (EN 50081-2,
EN 50082-2)
Click here to visit the product
Kobold’s PAD & PAS transmitters have excellent
reference accuracy, thanks to high-performance
processors for flexible application in absolute and
differential pressure measurements. In addition,
these models achieve excellent long-term
stability with capacitive or piezo-resistive sensors.
Contact Instrotech, Phone 010 595 1831,,, and
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energize | February 2022 | 21