Page 5 - Energize February 2022
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        FROM THE EDITOR                                                           Copyright
        How can Eskom receive the money it needs without overburdening electricity users?   1
                                                                                  Copyright of all material appearing in energize
                                                                                  is vested in EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. In
        COVER STORY                                                               submitting any article for publication, the
        Keep your business going – no matter what                          4      authors confirm that they own the copyright to
                                                                                  the said article, which  is ceded to EIA Publishing
        NEWS                                                                      (Pty) Ltd for publication. The editor  reserves
        Taking partnership to the next level                               6      the right to edit or shorten articles submitted
        Dinamic Oil gearboxes for heavy-duty applications                  7      for  publication. Editing and/or shortening is
        PV industry grew to 191 GW in 2021                                 8      done with due dilligence,  where necessary in
        Regional energy self-sufficiency with wind power and green hydrogen    10  conjuction with the author(s).
        Uganda’s power generator legacy alarm systems upgrade              11        No part of this publication may be
        Electrical loggers help reduce facilities’ energy costs            12     reproduced, or stored in a  retrieval system,
                                                                                  or transmitted in any form, or by any means,
        Instrument company and distributor move to corporate HQ            12
        Pioneering biodiversity offset agreement yields positive impact    13     except  as described below, without the written
        To improve safety and enhance energy efficiency in the residential sector   14  permission of EIA Publishing  (Pty) Ltd. Copying
                                                                                  of articles is not permitted except for personal
        Supporting South Africa’s transition to a low carbon economy       15     and internal use, to the extent permitted by
        Green government procurement practices could cut 15% of global GHG emissions   16
                                                                                  South African law.  Permission is not required
        Green energy deployment and low carbon industrialisation on the horizon   17  to make abstracts, on condition that a full
        Achieving 100% fossil-free electricity in own operations           18     reference to the source is shown. Requests for
        New CEO for SA’s wind industry association                         19     permission for other  kinds of copying should be
        Innovative companies need innovative suppliers                     20     addressed to EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
        Differential transmitter performs under pressure                   21
        HVDC prototype research shows 100% renewable energy grid is feasible   22  Disclaimer
        LED lighting for GIZ energy efficiency projects                    23     Articles published in energize do not
        Robust and long-lasting batteries for reliable isotope supply      23     necessarily reflect the views of  EIA Publishing
        Hydrogen economy hints at new global power dynamics                24     (Pty) Ltd or the editor. In addition, views
        Simplified safety compliance testing                               25     expressed  by the editor do not necessarily
        LED lighting solution for new service station                      26     reflect the views of   EIA Publishing  (Pty) Ltd or
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        The right labour partner is critical to accurate budgeting for successful IPP bidders   27
                                                                                  with energize.
                                                                                     It is a condition of publishing material in
        POWER DEVELOPMENTS IN AFRICA                                       28
                                                                                  energize that EIA  Publishing (Pty) Ltd shall
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        VIEWS AND OPINION                                                         damages arising from the publication in good
        Green hydrogen provides answer to many of SA’s decarbonisation prayers,   faith of any  article, advertisement, picture,
        studies show                                                       29     comment, view or opinion. This  applies to
        Baseload revisited                                                 31     publishing, failing to publish, late publishing or
        The other game changers: Rooftop solar, EVs, storage               33     incorrectly publishing any article, advertisement,
        A new dawn in operational efficiency and traceability              34     insert, picture,  caption, etc.
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        TECHNICAL                                                                 human and technical  errors can and do occur,
        Waste to energy: Thermal treatment of municipal waste leads to energy bonus   35  but that reasonable effort will be made to
        Why specifying enclosed epoxy insulation delivers better reliability   41  minimise their occurence, and to acknowledge
        Industrial UPS systems are essential to reliable operations        42     and correct such errors  when they are brought
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        The registration and application processes for embedded generation connection   46

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