Page 5 - Energize May 2022
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What can we do about load shedding? 1 Copyright of all material appearing in energize is
COVER STORY vested in EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. In submitting
Continuous improvement in quality reaps success 4 any article for publication, the authors confirm
that they own the copyright to the said article,
NEWS which is ceded to EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd for
Demand for electric forklifts increases as materials-handling sector goes green 6 publication. The editor reserves the right to edit
New lighting solution for hospital 7 or shorten articles submitted for publication.
Comprehensive energy logging and reporting 8 Editing and/or shortening is done with due
Compact emergency stop button 8 dilligence, where necessary in conjuction with
Introducing Commander S and Marshal 9 the author(s).
Highly accurate calibration of RH probes and loggers 10
‘Next-generation’ engineering consumables and tooling for industry 11 No part of this publication may be
Smart coatings in the pipeline 12 reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system,
Solar PV set to capitalise on REIPPPP Bid Window 6 13 or transmitted in any form, or by any means,
Load cells can give you a head start on tighter process control 14 except as described below, without the written
Renewable energy industrialisation will unlock economic potential 15 permission of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Copying of
Advanced, rugged battery management system for critical standby applications 16 articles is not permitted except for personal and
Rising from the ashes like the phoenix 17 internal use, to the extent permitted by South
Vertical inspection solution for tank farm maintenance 18 African law. Permission is not required to make
Africa’s growing demand for liquid fuel needs greater storage facilities 19
Permission sought for gas and oil exploration off SA’s south-western coast 20 abstracts, on condition that a full reference to
Guaranteed asset performance agreement for Senegal power plant 21 the source is shown. Requests for permission for
Bosch Rexroth South Africa says “Yes” to youth employment 23 other kinds of copying should be addressed to
Accelerating Nigeria’s 30-30-30 vision with flexible gas-to-power generation 24 EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
Inclinometer for rough and tough conditions 25
Green power company commits to educating future generations 26 Disclaimer
Network of rebuild centres caters for AME region 27 Articles published in energize do not necessarily
How to optimise portable air compressor performance, efficiency and lifecycle 28 reflect the views of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd or
Free drinking water tests for flood-ravaged KZN 29 the editor. In addition, views expressed by the
ADVERTORIAL editor do not necessarily reflect the views of
Introducing Vuthwa Energy 22 EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd or any other person or
organisation associated with energize.
POWER DEVELOPMENTS IN AFRICA 30 It is a condition of publishing material in
energize that EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd shall not
VIEWS AND OPINION be liable for any consequential or other damages
Establishing sustainable buildings of the present 32 arising from the publication in good faith of any
How renewable energy helps keep the lights on 33 article, advertisement, picture, comment, view
SA’s electricity crisis and its effect on the working class in townships 34 or opinion. This applies to publishing, failing to
Understanding who needs an EPC 35
The hidden costs of buying poor quality cable accessories 37 publish, late publishing or incorrectly publishing
any article, advertisement, insert, picture,
TECHNICAL caption, etc.
Building energy management: Metering, monitoring and the building energy performance gap 38 It is acknowledged that errors in transcript,
Solar powered irrigation for agriculture – SA’s largest private solar farm 42 human and technical errors can and do occur,
How to optimise energy storage in a microgrid 45 but that reasonable effort will be made to
Commercial & industrial microgrids offer security of supply 51 minimise their occurence, and to acknowledge
Converting stored solar energy to electricity on demand 56 and correct such errors when they are brought to
What is melting here? Time for an SFRA test 58
Local company specialises in thermal power station maintenance 62 the attention of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
11 24 42
38 56