Page 20 - Energize June 2022
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Cutting a great deal: introducing new
developments and products
ohn Emholz, the President and global CEO of German company Messer Cutting Systems,
visited First Cut, a leading South African provider of cutting, welding and grinding
Jconsumables and equipment recently. The meeting consolidated the existing relationship
between the two firms and discussed strategic new possibilities.
In 2019, First Cut concluded an agreement with Messer Cutting Systems, which is a global
supplier of cutting solutions for the metalworking industry, to take over the existing South
African distribution agency.
Emholz was joined by Martin Zeller, the divisional manager for sales, and Axel Vogelsang, the
area sales manager of the Oxyfuel business unit. Zeller is the main point of contact for First Cut
and its customers regarding Oxyfuel sales and service.
Emholz explains: “The focus of this visit was largely at a strategic level: to understand how
to bring in our cutting systems expertise and look at opportunities that we believed could be
leveraged, including discussing market leads with First Cut for both the oxyfuel as well as the Andrew Poole
equipment side of our business.
We believe that we have a viable opportunity to leverage some of the South African market Zeller adds: “We are very enthusiastic
developments on a global basis. We have a strong commitment to this market, and certainly about the features and potential uptake
this visit has clarified and strengthened our understanding of the significant long-term market of these new products in the market. This
potential in South Africa.” demonstrates that First Cut and B.E.D. are
Andrew Poole, the managing director of First Cut adds: “Messer Cutting System’s truly value-adding partners, helping us to
participation in our local distribution and sales strategy development has really been find solutions for the mining and industrial
demonstrated by John Emholz - as its President and global CEO – visiting in person. sectors.”
This shows an invaluable and highly-appreciated long-term commitment on their part. “We are very excited about the
Messer Cutting Systems is a large, global organisation which has given us great flexibility in the development of these new products for the
local distribution of their products. They have also been willing to share their expert technology mining and industrial sector,” notes Poole.
and knowledge. We have sincerely appreciated the cooperation and openness with which they “This is a pivotal development for Messer
have approached their agreement with us, and our business. Having held joint discussions Cutting Systems and First Cut: one which
on how to position ourselves in the South African market, we have some very exciting new speaks to connection, cohesion and deep
directions unfolding. In this regard, our safety offering has been very important.” mutual trust. We are honoured to play our
Safety is of paramount importance in First Cut’s key target cutting and welding market part in developing innovative new solutions
sectors, as reflected by its recent merger of interests – in November 2021 – with respected for industry.”
industry stalwart Gas Safety International (GSI), which provides certified gas safety training “Having seen the opportunities here in
and quality gas equipment to a wide range of sectors, to ensure a safe and efficient working South Africa, Messer Cutting Systems is very
environment. keen to promote our footprint and traction
This relationship has strengthened First Cut’s service offering, particularly the highly accordingly. Furthermore, the excellent,
respected training experience and expertise offered by GSI’s managing director Peter Rohlssen, value-adding collaboration between Messer,
with regards to gas safety training, consulting and auditing. First Cut and its partners is also a significant
“This holistic safety offering, and the passion and experience demonstrated by First Cut and opportunity for us to learn from the local
GSI, is very attractive,” observes Zeller. “This immediately inspired us upon our arrival, and it has market.
only added to the overall relationship of trust which Messer Cutting Systems and First Cut share.” Additionally, the global distribution
Another key First Cut relationship involves its agreement with the Bolt and Engineering of the three new products we have
Distributors (B.E.D.) Group, whereby First Cut is a primary distributor to the fabrication and other jointly developed will result in further
sectors; while B.E.D. focuses on the mining industry, where they are well-established. strengthening our position as a leading
“We truly appreciate these initiatives which First Cut has engaged in, and how they work to international welding equipment and
strengthen the overall market offering and distribution of our products in South Africa,” Emholz consumables supplier of choice,” concludes
enthuses. “GSI’s safety knowledge, together with First Cut and Messer Cutting System’s own Emholz.
expertise, has resulted in the development of a trio of new products. We are very pleased to play
our part in this collaboration, which will be rolled out globally, yet with a ‘proudly South African’ Contact Andrew Poole, First Cut,
flavour. This is indeed an illustration of the seriousness with which both First Cut as well as Phone 011 614-1112,,
Messer Cutting Systems have approached this relationship.”
energize | June 2022 | 18