Page 16 - Issue 2 2023
P. 16


        Non-invasive tests for OLTCs                           The primary test for OLTC diagnostics and condition
        Dielectric breakdown voltage                           assessment is that of dissolved gas-in-oil, as this detects most
        The oil in an OLTC should maintain a minimum dielectric   of the problems. There are three main types of OLTCs:
        breakdown voltage. In recent years on-line filters have been   •  Reactive with arcing contacts in oil
        used for compartments containing arcing contacts in oil to   •  Resistive with arcing contacts in oil
        better maintain the dielectric breakdown strength of the   •  Arcing contacts in a vacuum bottle
        insulating materials. This approach has been effective in
        pushing out maintenance cycles and reducing the rate of   There should be differences in the gassing behaviour
        contact wear. The dielectric breakdown voltage is a function of   between resistive and reactive types, as the shorter time of
        the relative saturation of water in oil and the amount, size and   arc extinction of the resistive type (5-6 mins after contact
        type (conductivity) of particles.                      separation) should lower the concentrations of gases
                                                               generated. However, the gassing behaviour of different models
        Water content                                          of OLTCs is so different that generic rules for reactive and
        Excessive water reduces the dielectric breakdown strength of   resistive OLTCs are inadequate.
        the oil and can accelerate the ageing of the contacts.
                                                               The primary diagnostic gases used to develop condition
        Neutralisation number                                  codes are methane, ethylene and acetylene. In addition, the
        As oils and cellulosic materials age, they will deteriorate   following ratios are used:
        and form ageing by-products, including acids. Eventually the   •  Ethylene/acetylene: Distinguishes between thermal and
        aging by-products will begin to polymerize and form sludges.   electrical discharge activity in oil
        Increasing acidity can be used as a guide to the ageing rate   •  Methane/acetylene: Distinguishes between thermal and
        of the oil. When high values are reached, the oil should be   electrical discharge activity in oil and can also detect partial
        replaced or reclaimed. Acid by-products, particularly in the   discharge activity as a predominant gassing pattern. For
        presence of water, are corrosive.                         example, localised overheating of contacts or the reversing
                                                                  switch will generally show increasing combustible gas
        Total metals in oil                                       generation, with ratios of gassing going from an arcing
        The metals test, consisting of both particulate metals and   pattern to characteristics of high temperature overheating
        those dissolved in the oil, is an extremely meaningful test.   of oil.
        It provides an indication of the amount of material that has
        been worn or sublimated from the moving and/or stationary   Excessive arcing between contacts is most likely to develop
        contacts and is now present in the oil. It also provides a   high gas concentrations until the later stages when heating
        quantitative analysis as to composition of the metals found in   occurs (causing the combustible gas ratios to change).
        the oil.

        Particle count and qualitative analysis
        The total number of particles by size groupings is used to
        detect abnormal quantities of by-products and wear materials.
        The ratio(s) of the size groupings provides information as to
        the extent that a detrimental condition has progressed.

        DGA diagnostics
        It is undisputed that DGA plays a primary diagnostic role.
        The interpretation protocol for applying DGA is empirical
        in nature. In the case of OLTCs it is generally accepted that   Table 3: Diagnostic tools
        fault gas interpretation will be most useful if it is model-
           Individual gas concentrations-based diagnostics for OLTCs
        are not useful as they are operation count and breathing
        configuration dependent. DGA ratios of fault gases are fairly
        independent of operation count. The various gas ratios are
        excellent diagnostic tools.
           Table 4 lists the gas ratios proposed by Weidmann-ACTI (F
        Jakob, K Jakob, S Jones).                              Table 4: Diagnostic gas ratios

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