Page 36 - EngineerIt January 2021
P. 36


        SA Competition Commission plans

        to zoom in on digital markets

        By Burton Phillips, Partner at Webber Wentzel  authorities and cannot be implemented
                                                  prior to such approval being granted.
          he Competition Commissioner, during the  Transactions falling below these
        TCommission's Annual Conference (in       thresholds (referred to as small
        November 2020), noted that the Commission  mergers) can be notified to the
        will take a "decisive and proactive stance to  Commission voluntarily - but can be
        ensure the balance of economic forces favour a  implemented without prior approval.
        shift to facilitating entry and a more competitive  The Commission may, however, call for
        digital economy".                         a notification of a small merger on
           Proposed changes for the industry may be  suspicion that a small merger could
        far-reaching and may include a possible   result in the substantial lessening or
        requirement for dominant tech companies to  preventing of competition.
        inform the Commission of all acquisitions, even  -  In the UK, the March 2019 report on  inform of the Commission of the transaction
        those falling below the prescribed thresholds  Unlocking Digital Competition noted that  to enable it to decide whether to call for a full
        for mandatory merger notification to the  over the last 10 years the five largest tech  merger notification by the parties. If it does,
        authority. All players in the tech / digital  firms made more than 400 acquisitions  such transaction would be subject to review
        markets space will need to be aware of the  globally – but none of these were  by the Commission and may be prohibited or
        heightened focus of the competition authorities  prohibited and some not even scrutinised  have conditions imposed. It is unclear how
        on this sector. Not only will this bring a change  by their competition authorities.   the Commission will identify these dominant
        in transaction costs and deal time-lines – but  •  Parties to tech transactions are often based  firms as this largely depends on how the
        also many more mergers being prohibited or  offshore with no presence and little or no  relevant markets are defined. The list may
        approved with conditions.              revenue in a particular country at the time  include well-known players such as
           The Commission's recently published paper  of the acquisition to establish jurisdiction.  Facebook, Alphabet's Google, Netflix,
        on Competition in the Digital Economy notes  The Facebook/WhatsApp merger is cited as  Naspers, Amazon, Uber, Airbnb as well as
        that there may have been under-enforcement of  an example of such a transaction. The  network and telecommunications
        merger control laws in digital markets to date.  merger was not notifiable to South African  infrastructure firms such as Vodacom, MTN
        One of the ways in which the Commission plans  competition authorities as WhatsApp did  and Telkom making any acquisition of a local
        to promote competition, inclusive growth,  not generate any turnover in, into or from  target tech company.
        increased and meaningful employment and  South Africa.                   •  Adding digital markets to the Commission's
        shared prosperity in the sector is through more  •  The traditional tools and theories of harm  list of priority sectors, which means that the
        stringent merger regulation of the industry.  used in merger review are not appropriate  Commission will allocate greater resources
           Statistics published by the SA Commission  for tech-related-mergers. The  and subject digital mergers to greater
        indicate that out of the 87 notifiable mergers  consideration of factors such as defining  scrutiny. The additional scrutiny on these
        relating to digital markets from 2011 to 2019,  the relevant markets, market shares,  mergers could result in lengthy merger
        none were prohibited; 82 were approved  foreclosure, barriers to entry and public  reviews which will have to be factored into
        unconditionally and 5 conditionally approved.  interest factors need to be suitably  deal timetables. In the case of global digital
        The proposed merger between MIH and    adjusted and developed to take into  mergers, the Commission seeks to ensure
        WeBuyCars was the first in this space to be  account the fast moving dynamics of  that global digital mergers that are
        prohibited, following a decision by the  digital markets, including innovation, the  notifiable in South Africa are notified to the
        Competition Tribunal in March 2020. This  use of multiple platforms, consumer  Commission in parallel with notifications
        decision appears to have encouraged the  reach, data usage, the use of free services  submitted to competition authorities in
        Commission to scrutinize more closely mergers  or platforms and digital advertising.   other jurisdictions. This will allow the
        in the digital space.                                                       Commission to engage and collaborate with
                                             The Commission is developing a strategy to  global competition authorities and consider
        Some of the common reasons for the perceived  address these issues. Key merger control  any conditions imposed by such authorities
        under-enforcement in the sector are:  related measures suggested by the authority at  and its application in South Africa.
        •  Many transactions in the digital space may  this stage include:       •  Publishing a practice note on the
           fall below the financial thresholds for  •  Introducing a requirement for dominant  assessment of mergers in digital markets to
           mandatory notification. This results in  digital firms to inform the Commission of all  deal with the competition and public
           numerous small start-up digital companies  small domestic acquisitions, including  interest assessments, and a guidance note
           being acquired without any scrutiny by the  investments in start-ups and global  on how the assets of digital companies
           competition authorities.            acquisitions of target companies with a local  should be evaluated for purposes of
           -  In South Africa, acquisitions meeting  presence (i.e. generating turnover in, into or  determining whether transactions fall
             certain prescribed financial thresholds  from South Africa). At this stage, the proposal  within the financial thresholds for
             must be approved by the competition  is for such notification to merely serve to  mandatory notification.  n

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