Page 16 - EngineerIt February 2021
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Due to this approaching critical mass, the collective effort in driving generated by software. In movies or video games, for example,
down the cost, size and power needs while increasing performance this allows for fluid 3D motion capture by human actors
is accelerating the attraction to this solution. transcribed into a fictional universe that, until now, relied on
Like the micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) expensive suits with sensors (which conveyed limited
revolution of the 1990s, LIDAR today is becoming smaller, movement information) or homebrew animation (which,
cheaper and more versatile. Both LIDAR and MEMS took a long depending on detail desired, can be slow and expensive).
time to fully realise their potentials to other systems and sub-
systems. MEMS, while developed in the 1950s, was never a Geographical survey
practical option to integrate into many systems due to its cost, LIDAR has been used in geographical surveying for some
size, power needs, and performance. It was not until process time, but the increase in range and resolution of these
technology in the 1990s was mature enough to match demand systems has allowed researchers to uncover ancient ruins
to allow proliferation of MEMS into applications never dreamed that would not be feasible to investigate by foot. The
of before. Similarly, LIDAR (developed in the early 1960s) is only constantly decreasing size and cost is also making it much
now ready to meet similar demands. more attractive for civil land surveying and engineering, with
What is currently changing is the confluence of factors that advantages over traditional land surveying methods in speed,
goes into the design and manufacture of a high performance accuracy, flexibility and safety.
LIDAR system. These additional factors have helped LIDAR
meet the constraints inherent in it, such as driving down cost,
solving size and power issues, and increasing overall
performance. Because these factors have helped LIDAR
technology with enhanced performance while decreasing
development costs, it makes sense to begin pursuit of other
areas for LIDAR application.
What is LIDAR allowing us to do that we have not
done before?
A boon in the entertainment industry has been the ability to map
out complex sets or objects digitally, allowing for a more
seamless interaction between reality as we know it and realities
Figure 5: Mapped elevation of a quarry site.
Structural and civil engineering
As a building is being constructed, LIDAR can be used to
monitor construction progress in real time, compare those
measurements to current schematics, and allow for updating of
those schematics. Existing structures can also be scanned to
better understand the evolution of integrity over time, which
would allow us to more appropriately assess needs for
renovation or rebuilding.
Figure 3: 3D motion capture of yesteryear using special suits,
tracking movement of white spheres.
Figure 4: Feature capture using LIDAR provides a much more Figure 6: Real-time updating of a construction site, informing
feature-rich image. changes needed in design.
EngineerIT | February 2021 | 14