Page 11 - EngineerIT September 2021
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        industry. McKinsey estimates that mine
        digitalisation could save $373 billion
        globally by 2025 by raising productivity,
        reducing waste and keeping mines safe.
           The digital solutions presented at
        the centre are embedded under the
        ABB Ability™ MineOptimise portfolio,
        which provides mine operators with a
        suite of digitally connected solutions,
        products and collaborative services
        to unify and optimise the lifecycle
        of a mine and ensure that the right
        people have the right information at
        the right time. Through the recently
        launched ABB Ability™ eMine portfolio,
        ABB brings together electrification,   ABB Digital Solutions Centre augmented reality enabling remote support
        automation and digital technology
        like no other company. By digitally
        connecting all solutions, they can be   level. On-site visits are available to a limited number of customers at a time in line with
        monitored and controlled to optimise   COVID-19 protocols.
        operations and energy usage in real    The most intensive of these are the co-creation workshops, a workshop format
        time. The digital offering for Ability™   ranging from one to four hours, for up to five days. In these workshops, once a
        eMine™ is focused around four pillars:   customer’s digital maturity is established, ideas and requirements are outlined and further
        power and process control, power and   specified, tested and evaluated. ABB then works with the customer to define follow-up
        energy management, electrical asset   plans as a deliverable.
        performance management and mine        “This centre was developed for our customers to bring collaboration and co-creation to
        operations management.               new levels,” said Shiven Sukraj, local division manager for Energy Industries, South Africa.
           The centre, which will be live virtually   “ABB’s technologies are driving industrial productivity and contributing to South Africa’s
        for the first month of its operation,   innovation ecosystem in so many ways. Through deeper collaboration with customers and
        from the 10th of September to the 8th   partners, we want to develop powerful solutions that add measurable business value and
        of October, will also offer a range of   do our part to drive South Africa into the digital economy.”   n
        webinars and workshops designed to
        reveal the digital maturity level of an   For more information, view the Digital Solutions Centre launch video here:
        organisation, either at site or enterprise

        ABB Digital Solutions interactive digital workshops

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