Page 7 - EngineerIT January 2022
P. 7


        Better quality security                                                   going to need to invest in the best security
                                                                                  tools to keep people out of your piece of
                                                                                  the public cloud. This is critical.
                                                                                    You are responsible for your own
        requires synchronicity                                                    security, in that if you connect a server to
                                                                                  the internet, it is not the cloud provider’s
                                                                                  responsibility to review how you secure
        Antony Russell, CTO at Telviva                                            this. They’ve done their part, and now you
                                                                                  do yours by deploying the best security
                                                                                  tools to protect yourself.
             here’s a lot of talk about cyber
             security - and for good reason. Barely                               Ask the right questions
        Ta week passes without news of yet                                        It starts by methodically analysing how
        another high-profile breach, either in South                              data in your organisation is accessed.
        Africa or abroad. Perhaps the biggest risk for                            If you have a database with telephone
        organisations is to make a few investments                                numbers and credit card details, ask
        and act as if the security box has been                                   which programmes have access to that
        ticked. Rest assured, as soon as you tick that                            database server and how that access is
        box, there are criminals somewhere in the                                 enabled. If it is damaged in some way,
        world who are already working on new ways                                 are you able to restore it? What about
        to untick that box for you.                                               illegitimate access? If it is encrypted in
           This is not alarmist, it is a healthy dose                             some way, like a ransomware attack, do
        of reality. Would you enable an electric   Antony Russell                 you have an unencrypted version of it
        fence and burglar bars at your home or                                    somewhere? Is there an immutable copy
        business and assume everything is safe? Or   be entered into between the vendor and   that cybercriminals cannot access?
        would you maintain a security-conscious   the cloud operator. Put very simply, you as   Bringing the lens a little closer into
        mindset and ensure that your barriers   the vendor, need to trust that there is not   your own organisation, how do you vet the
        are kept up to date and that your entry   going to be any of the big bank’s “flavour”   people who are working for you, and what
        and exit procedures do not present weak   in your voice services, and the bank is going   processes do you have in place to manage
        spots that are vulnerable to attack? It is no   to trust that there’s none of your “flavour”   the level of admin access they’re entitled
        different in the world of cyber security.  in their accounting. While this may seem   to? Are your processes designed with
           The global pandemic accelerated   humorous, it is very serious and forms the   security in mind?
        the move to cloud computing. The     foundation of the trust relationship: that   Conceptually, investing in IT security is
        cloud enables a type of connectedness   your workloads are secure.        not a destination. It is a daily journey. Put
        and scalability that was previously just   The hyperscalers have a lot to worry   another way, bring a little synchronicity to
        not possible. While public clouds do   about in terms of security. They have the   your security process.
        take responsibility for security on their   responsibility to ensure the security of   Think about your physical home.
        servers, that is not the only requirement:   that environment. This is appealing to   You wouldn’t simply install burglar bars
        businesses are still responsible for their   many businesses because they no longer   and take comfort that nobody will go
        own security and how they connect those   need to worry about the physical security   to the effort of bringing a crowbar. You
        servers to the internet.             that they would have to invest in, were   would ensure that security is always on
           The difference between on-premise   the servers on-prem. To continue the   the agenda. The same can be said for
        security and cloud-based security    analogy, by using the cloud provider, a   a business - it is risky to set up a few
        is that at its simplest, the cloud is a   business executive knows that as part   barriers and some occasional monitoring
        shared computer. In other words, if your   of the agreement, there are two sets of   or scanning, and then relax. People with
        workloads are on-prem, you are running   electrified fences and four security guards   nefarious agendas are working around the
        them in your own environment. However,   at each gate requiring numerous types of   clock to find ways to exploit the system
        if you are using cloud services, perhaps   identification before any access is granted.   and to find back doors into an organisation
        in Microsoft Azure or AWS, there’s a huge   The business that is no longer running   that will give access to critical data.
        amount of available hardware which is   its own physical server does not need to   Cloud providers have a role to play,
        being used by many other organisations.  worry about this anymore.        and your business has a role to play. This
           So your server could be running on   However, other than for physical   starts with deploying security barriers,
        the same piece of hardware as a large   security, the challenge remains the same:   managing access and investing in sound
        bank, for example. From this standpoint,   you’re going to need a firewall, you’re   backup strategies. But it will, and should
        there is a trust relationship that needs to   going to need intrusion protection, you’re   remain, an ongoing process.   n

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