Page 9 - EngineerIT February 2022 UPDATED
P. 9


        FBI warns US Companies to                                                 make this tactic more effective.
                                                                                    The bottom line is that if the attackers
                                                                                  are able to gain a foothold – even if it’s
                                                                                  not an admin account – they can escalate
        avoid malicious USB devices                                               privileges or conduct reconnaissance from
                                                                                  the inside, which may aid in gaining access
                                                                                  to other systems.
        by Brandon Rochat, Cybereason sales director for Africa
                                                                                  Smoke and mirrors
                                                                                  This all sounds highly suspicious, though,
             ybercriminals constantly evolve the                                  and makes me wonder if this is a
             tactics, techniques, and procedures                                  misdirection or distraction from a different
       Cthey use to execute attacks to find                                       or broader attack.
        innovative ways to bypass or circumvent                                     This is an old tactic. Even average users
        security controls. Sometimes the best                                     should know better than to use an unknown
        strategy is the simplest one, though, and                                 USB drive that gets delivered to them.
        may succeed in catching targets off guard.                                  It does depend to some extent on how
        A new warning from the FBI cautions US                                    convincing the attack is, though. IT and
        companies to be on alert for an old tactic                                cybersecurity professionals are well trained
        that is apparently being used again –                                     to not plug in devices such as found or free
        tricking users into connecting a malicious                                flash drives from unknown sources, but the
        USB device.                                                               average person may not be as cautious.
                                                                                    This is even more true if the person is
        Malicious USB campaign                                                    convinced the package is from a credible
        According to the FBI, threat actors targeted                              source, or if an offer such as a free gift
        companies in the defence, transportation,   Brandon Rochat                card triggers an emotional response which
        and insurance industries in the last half                                 short-circuits rational thought processes.
        of 2021 by sending USB thumb drives to   operate even if the system has a policy in   Still, there are a variety of more
        intended targets.                    place that disables the use of removable   effective attack vectors that don’t rely on
           The attackers – identified as the   storage devices.                   a potentially traceable and high-touch
        FIN7 cybercrime group by the FBI – used   The malicious USB uses its      campaign like this. it is hard to imagine
        the US Postal Service and UPS to send   designation as a “keyboard” to inject   a reasonable scenario under which most
        letters and packages that claimed to   keystrokes on the system to install other   people would use a USB stick they received
        be from the Department of Health and   exploits and malicious payloads on the   in the mail. If the attackers sent a device
        Human Services (HHS), or – in some   compromised system. A report from    like a USB mouse or some other type of
        cases – Amazon. The deliveries included   BleepingComputer explains, “FIN7’s   gadget, that would probably have much
        a USB thumb drive containing malicious   end goal in such attacks is to access the   higher success just by virtue of being novel.
        software, such as BadUSB.            victims’ networks and deploy ransomware
           Information shared by the FBI indicates   (including BlackMatter and REvil) within   Look for the big picture
        that the packages were designed to   a compromised network using various   FIN7 is a sophisticated threat actor – which
        seem like legitimate thank you notes   tools, including Metasploit, Cobalt Strike,   is why this all feels like a big misdirection.
        or gifts. If the threat actors are smart,   Carbanak malware, the Griffon backdoor,   You should obviously never insert
        they presumably also did at least a   and PowerShell scripts.”            an unknown USB device into your PC –
        little homework to improve the odds of                                    whether it’s one you receive randomly in
        success by tailoring the message to the   Gaining a foothold              the mail, or even a USB device that you just
        organisation or individual it was sent to.  This attack vector may be an attempt to   don’t know when or where it was used last.
           Threat actors from FIN7 have also been   exploit the work-from-home trend. Delivering   Beyond that, though, you need to pay
        known to follow up – calling or emailing   USB flash drives directly to someone’s home,   attention to the big picture when it comes
        recipients to reinforce the con and   for example, there are fewer guard rails and   to cyberattacks. Whether attackers succeed
        pressure them into actually connecting the   an increase in the likelihood a user will plug   in gaining a foothold using a malicious USB
        malicious device to their PC.        the computer into a work computer, or to   drive, or use the delivery of a malicious
                                             their home network to which their work   USB drive as a distraction from a different
        BadUSB                               computer is also connected.          attack vector, you need to be able to
        BadUSB is a particularly sinister piece   It is also possible that there are   view the entire malicious operation –
        of malware that immediately registers   organisations or departments that routinely   or MalOp™ – across your environment and
        the device on the system as a Human   employ USB thumb drives – where people   recognise Indicators of Behaviour (IOBs)
        Interface Device (HID) Keyboard. This little   are more likely to use a USB storage device   that enable you to quickly identify and stop
        trick enables the malicious USB device to   without finding it suspicious. That would   malicious activity.    n

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