Page 12 - Issue 4 2023
P. 12


        for innovation projects where new      With NaaS, organisations can again buy in this expertise – and rely on their channel
        technology is paramount.             partner to provide them with key metrics around power usage, carbon emissions and
                                             end-of-life disposal.
        Delivering data
        As sustainability requirements increase,   Conclusion
        and with the eyes of the world watching,   In recent years, sustainability has soared to the top of the business agenda for most
        organisations will be challenged to deliver   organisations. Channel partners have an important role to play in connecting the dots
        more sustainability and environmental   between sustainable vendors and customers seeking to deliver green IT.
        reporting than ever before. But with   A solid NaaS offering should reassure South African customers that an
        networking skills a scarce resource and   environmental approach to networking is being taken across the entire IT supply chain.
        existing IT teams stretched to capacity   The subscription-based model delivered through the Aruba channel allows customers
        trying to deliver against the continued   to enjoy the benefits of sustainable network practices, enables them to reduce the
        demands of digital transformation, help   amount of IT equipment needed and operate their existing equipment at higher levels
        is desperately needed to deliver back the   of utilisation, offset environmental damage through hardware reuse and technology
        necessary data.                      refreshes, and help report back on their environmental progress.

                Global Kinetic launches platform

             to minimise workplace conflict and

                      optimise team performance

           n response to a growing need for CIOs   they even become issues, companies save hundreds of hours that would otherwise have
           and CTOs to not only retain scarce   been spent on conciliation. More importantly, maintaining harmonious working conditions
        Iskills, but to create optimal working   is the most effective way of nurturing high-performing teams without the disruption and
         environments, software development   cost of high staff turnover,” explains Martin Dippenaar, CEO of Global Kinetic.
         house, Global Kinetic, has launched its
         TeamFirst platform.                 A new way to measure and manage team performance
            TeamFirst’s algorithms have been   Dippenaar explains that when teams experience conflict they lose focus. Individuals find
         tested and refined over six years. The   it difficult to work in unharmonious environments and he says companies can spend
         cloud-based solution makes use of   hundreds of thousands and rands replacing team members that quit as a result of conflict.
         anonymised data from the people     In addition to the direct costs, the management time and focus required to deal with
         and teams themselves about their    interpersonal issues quickly stacks up and can have very real consequences for companies
         experiences, relationships and outputs,   working on tight delivery deadlines.
         combined with project KPI information,   While quantifying the cost of disputes is not an exact science, the UK public body that
         which is then analysed by the software.    helps companies with conciliation and arbitration, Acas, published a report last year in
            “By making use of (terabytes) of   which it estimates that workplace conflict costs UK employers £28.5bn (R618,3bn) every
         data produced within an organisation,   year. This amounts to an average of just over £1,000 (R21 696) for every employee, every
         TeamFirst is able to isolate areas of   year.
         potential conflict before they escalate.   The TeamFirst algorithms are able to detect points of potential conflict in real time,
         The outputs of the product, while   and between six weeks to two months before a human would and Dippenaar says the
         certainly useful to HR departments,   early intervention offered by TeamFirst slashed the software developer’s own staff
         are devised specifically for team leads   turnover by 50 percent in the first year.
         and project managers who are involved   “Most companies have implemented some type of performance metrics or
         in the day-to-day team management.   measurements for individuals. However, most companies do not have insight into how
         After all, these are the individuals who   their people work together in a team. Even the best people put together in a team will
         are ultimately responsible for ensuring   have conflict, and insight into team dynamics is imperative for consistent, high-quality
         delivery. By pinpointing niggles before   output, as well as a clear view of the current work reality.”

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