Page 22 - Decor & Lifestyle Issue 2 2024
P. 22
The Secret Life of
Everyday Objects
e often take the furniture in our homes for granted, never
stopping to consider the rich history behind each piece. Chairs,
Wtables, and couches aren’t just things we use daily – they’re
artefacts that have evolved through time, shaped by culture, history,
and human creativity. Look behind the scenes at the fascinating journey
that everyday furniture has taken to arrive in our homes today. You might
never see your favourite couch in the same way again.
Chairs: From Thrones of Power to Everyday Comfort
Chairs have a surprisingly rich history. In ancient Egypt and Greece,
chairs weren’t just functional items – they were symbols of authority,
reserved for royalty and high-ranking officials. Imagine sitting on a grand
throne carved from stone or wood, intricately decorated to signify power. What’s fascinating about tables is their
Back then, having a chair wasn’t about comfort but showing who was in ability to adapt. In modern homes, tables
charge. aren’t just places for meals anymore.
They’ve become multi-functional, acting as
As time passed, chairs became more common, but they were still a workspaces, play areas, and even places for
luxury in many parts of the world. By the Middle Ages, only the wealthy deep conversations. From the minimalist
could afford to sit in proper chairs, while the rest of society made do designs that fit into small apartments
with benches or stools. Over time, as furniture-making advanced, chairs to the expansive dining tables that host
became more accessible. But the symbolism never really faded. Even gatherings, the table continues to evolve
today, we see the chair as more than just a seat. From the cathedra, a with us.
bishop's official seat, to the head of the table's chair at family dinners,
chairs still hold a special place in formal and informal settings. Couches: The Evolution of
Fast forward to today, and chairs have become essential to daily life, If one piece of furniture symbolises
with modern designs focusing on comfort and ergonomics. Office chairs, relaxation, it’s the couch. But the couch’s
for example, are meticulously crafted to support long hours of sitting, origins are a bit more glamorous than
a far cry from the stiff, formal chairs of the past. Yet, even with all the you might think. In ancient Rome, the
advances in design, the chair still holds a sense of status. Consider the wealthy would recline on couches known as
difference between the corner office chair and the reception seat – triclinium during meals. It was a luxurious
chairs continue to tell a story about where we sit. way to dine – lounging while eating,
surrounded by lavish decorations. Fast
Tables: Where Life, Work, and Celebration Meet forward to the Victorian era, and couches
Tables have constantly been gathering places. In ancient times, they played a different role. In parlours, they
were simple slabs of stone or wood used for practical purposes. But as became places for socialising and courting,
civilisation progressed, the table became more than just a work surface. with their elegant designs adding a touch of
The long banquet table in medieval Europe became the centrepiece refinement to any room.
of grand feasts, where lords and their guests gathered for food,
conversation, and decision-making. These tables weren’t just functional Couches have come a long way since then.
but statements of wealth and hospitality. Today, they are the ultimate symbols of
comfort, designed for lounging, napping,
The dining table has always been a symbol of community, a place where and gathering with friends and family. From
people come together. Whether a formal dinner party or a casual family the iconic Chesterfield couch, with its
meal, the table remains a central part of our social lives. Today, we deep buttoned upholstery, to the modern
have a variety of tables designed for specific purposes – dining tables, sectional that can seat an entire family,
coffee tables, and side tables – all created to fit seamlessly into our daily couches have adapted to fit our changing
routines. lifestyles.
20 | DÉCOR & LIFESTYLE Issue 2 2024