Page 38 - Education Supplement_Issue 1_2023
P. 38


                                   ol and the under-fiv
        Self-control and the under-five:
        How you can help

        By Nicola Killops

             ll parents have been there. The earth-shattering tantrum at
             the shops. The family get-togethers that see the kids stuck
        Ain a headlock. It is a normal part of parenting. But how can
        you make it easier for your child and you to navigate their early life
        with fewer emotional catastrophes?

        Understand the cause
        Self-control is tough, even for adults. Ask Laura Brannigan. It
        is even more challenging when the brain hasn’t developed the
        reasoning skills it needs to self-regulate. Development from
        conception to five years old is rapid. Your child transforms from a
        single cell to a walking, talking, thinking little human, and the rate
        of development will never be matched again in their lifetime.

        The complicated part is that certain parts of their brain develop
        faster than others. For example, the prefrontal cortex is where our   allow them the opportunity to get up, move and play, and incorporate
        executive functions take place. And our executive functioning is   games into their learning. If a child is engaged in something they enjoy,
        literally what separates us from the animals. Our working memory,   their ability to focus improves tenfold.
        ability to think flexibly, and self-control are all a part of executive
        functioning.                                       Encourage empathy
                                                           Genuine empathy is quite an advanced emotional skill. Children are very
        Nature vs. Nurture                                 focused on their own needs by design. But they can be taught to choose
        Despite the developmental immaturity, a child’s environment,   to consider the feelings and welfare of someone else. Make sure you
        the support they receive, and how they are taught to deal with   model this behaviour by openly sharing, acknowledging your mistakes, and
        situations can make a difference in how they practice executive   ensuring you give the child some undivided positive attention.
        functioning skills, including self-control. Parents and early
        childhood educators can help children develop methods to self-  Acknowledge them
        regulate.                                          If a child feels heard and receives empathy when angry, sad, or
                                                           overwhelmed, they realize that their feelings matter. Talk to your child
        Be clear and consistent                            without being dismissive and encourage them to discover ways to cope
        Make sure you are clear about what behaviour is expected early   with their emotions. Recognize and acknowledge them when they show
        on. Communicate it in a simple yet positive way.  Children struggle   growth.
        to extrapolate. A series of instructions confuses them and creates
        anxiety. Focus on one at a time.                   Stand your ground
                                                           When the inevitable meltdown happens, avoid losing your cool. You can’t
        Keep a routine                                     fight fire with fire on this one. It reinforces that you need to yell and shout
        Children take comfort in knowing what to expect, and routine   to get what you want. Keep calm and explain that tantrums are not the
        is essential. Knowing that lunchtime comes after story time and   way to get what you want. And as hard as it may be, don’t ever give in.
        bedtime comes after bath time helps them feel more in control of
        their world. However, sudden, unexpected changes to their routine   Choose a school that shares your values
        can cause anxiety and lead to them losing emotional control. If you   It’s essential that what you are modelling at home is reinforced at your
        know that the routine will be disrupted, prepare them as much as   child’s school or day care. Ensure that you have a relationship with your
        possible by positively describing what they can expect.  child’s teachers, and you can talk about your values.

        Know their limitations                             There’s the old joke that parenting is a walk in the park…Jurassic Park. And
        Children’s ability to focus on a specific learning activity is limited.   it certainly has its fair share of hair-raising moments. However, arming
        The rule of thumb is twice their age in minutes. So, at best, a   yourself with a good understanding of how your child is developing and
        five-year-old has a ten-minute window to learn new information   what they need will go a long way towards carving out more quality time
        actively. The best way to manage this is to alternate activities,   and enjoying the ride.

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