Page 16 - Education Supplement August Edition 2023
P. 16



               e live on an ever-diminishing
       W       global stage, and what better
               environment than an innovative,
               meaningful, local school to bring
               this stage to your daughters?

       As an Ursuline Catholic School, Brescia
       House School is part of a global network
       of schools committed to providing
       education with a strong moral foundation.
       In simpler terms, the school is well-known
       globally for its excellent teaching and
       learning methods.                  emphasising the need for preparation and  Brescia House School students at the Fort
       Our desire for encouraging the bond  planning, navigating differences in time  Worth Stock Yards in Dallas, Texas.
       between all the schools in our Ursuline  zones and technology, and using a variety
       Order, and the ethos and history that  of media and stimuli to keep students
       drives them, has resulted in both physical  engaged. The schools are now working on  "This was considered the
       and virtual cultural and educational  a permanent online Ursuline school  most exhilarating 'sleepover'
       exchanges.                         community, that will allow casual and  they have had in years!"
                                          formal project work to take place globally
       Brescia House School is able to harness  from the comfort of the classroom.
       the power of borderless collaboration, to                                Living the Ursuline ethos in other countries
       provide students with thought-provoking  After the restrictions of Covid-19 were lifted,  expands the value of the work the pupils
       and enriching learning experiences. Our  we were able to resume our reciprocal  do in their communities, and reinforces the
       extensive Global Education programme  international student exchange programme  power of the motto of all Ursuline schools,
       has been developed over years in   with our sister schools under the careful  Serviam – To Serve. The community
       collaboration with our sister schools in  guidance of Kim Duncan, the Global  projects ranged from supporting
       many parts of the world. We have visited  Education Programme Coordinator. The  underprivileged communities, promoting
       Brazil, Australia, France and the USA,  amazing ‘aha’ moments of ‘same yet  environmental sustainability, and
       with the plan of broadening this   different’ was again experienced by the  advocating for social justice.
       connection even further.           Brescia House School pupils who went to
                                          the USA, and by those who came here in  By working together, Ursuline schools
       Our first virtual event was held this year,  return. The girls went to school, attended  around the world aim to create a network
       and resulted in a powerful and insightful  lessons (even on Forensics and Arabic)  of global learners who are prepared to
       international collaboration for all the  and lived the life of their host families. They  tackle the challenges of the 21st century,
       pupils and staff involved. Led by Graham  enjoyed the leisure experiences of another  equipped with the knowledge, skills, and
       West from Brescia House School and  culture, again forming bonds and values  attitudes necessary to thrive in a diverse
       Maria Barton from The Ursuline School,  that influence their lives by staying in the  and interconnected global society.
       New York, the presenters shared their  homes of their host families - this was
       insights and key takeaways from the  considered the most exhilarating    And, of course, it gives our pupils the
       projects they have done together,  ‘sleepover’ they have had in years!   advantage of knowing they can cope in
                                                                                and contribute to the world stage, even
                                                                                from our little corner.

                                                                                Contributors: Graham West and Kim Duncan
                                                                                Brescia House School
                                                                                Grade R - 12
                                                                                Grade 000 - 00 opening January, 2024
                                                                                Our Global Exchange
                                                                                students at the Ursuline
                                                                                Academy of St. Louis,
                                                                                 Missouri, in April 2023.
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