Page 31 - Education Supplement August Edition 2023
P. 31
Building a Strong Partnership for Your Child’s Success
nce upon a time, the world of education was seen as two distinct camps: ‘us’ don’t let them simmer like a forgotten pot of
(parents) and ‘them’ (teachers), each marching to their own beat. Parents nurtured soup. Promptly engage with teachers, giving
Oat home, teachers taught at school, and that was that. However, those days are long them a helpful nudge or a hearty pat when
gone, relegated to the history books of educational practices. necessary.
Today, we understand the value and the need for a united front in our children’s
education. The ‘us’ and ‘them’ have merged to form a powerful ‘we,’ a collective force of The Schools Role
parents and teachers who collaborate, communicate, and work towards the same goal: the Schools can play a part by providing
best possible outcome for our children. guidance and facilitating communication.
The strength of this partnership is its ability to create a strong, supportive network This could be through developing
around our children. A network where they feel safe, nurtured, understood, and encouraged communication-friendly policies, providing
equips them to navigate the exciting yet challenging world of education. Think of it as an various communication platforms, organising
alliance where both sides work together for the child’s success, not just parallelly. In this regular parent-teacher meetings and
unity, children thrive, knowing they have an unwavering support system that consistently workshops, and investing in teacher training
has their back. to enhance communication skills.
While you may come across some
The Role of Parent-Teacher Communication in Education potholes along the way, they’re merely
Effective parent-teacher communication forms the golden thread in a child’s academic opportunities to improve your navigation
journey. You can’t have effective communication without active listening, open-mindedness, skills when handled correctly. Addressing
regular and consistent communication, and a respectful and professional relationship. language and cultural differences,
But how do you build and nurture a relationship with your child’s teacher and others understanding and respecting different
involved in their school life without being overbearing or helicopter-like? Many parents communication styles, and bridging the
make the mistake of thinking they need to micromanage every aspect of the teacher’s day technology gap or digital divide can all help
to be involved. You need to trust them, step back and let them work their magic. There are to smooth the road ahead.
many ways to show your support and show your kids that their school life matters to you Effective parent-teacher communication
without alienating anyone or being overly demanding. goes a long way, from fostering
Firstly, attending parent-teacher meetings should be as non-negotiable as brushing your understanding about a child’s progress and
teeth. It’s where you hear about your child’s academic progress and, more importantly, get addressing concerns promptly to celebrating
some insight. This is where you discover how they interact in class, fare socially, and learn victories together. Yet, as with anything
about things you might not be aware of that could be troubling your child. You also have a worth doing, building strong communication
chance to share concerns or communicate things that may cause anxiety for your child or isn’t an overnight process. It takes time,
give the teacher some insight into what makes your child tick. effort, respect, and the willingness to
Show interest in your child’s school life when you are at home. Encourage open dialogue work as a team. As parents and teachers,
about school activities and encourage anecdotes about their teacher that show your child our role is to step up, move beyond the
you value their teacher as a person and appreciate their impact. Whether your child recites comfort zones of old practices, and commit
the periodic table or discusses the intricacies of English literature, act as if you’re watching to creating a supportive and enriching
a riveting cricket match. Show enthusiasm and ask questions. Be the most avid fan of your environment for our children.
child’s educational journey. And no matter what, don’t badmouth a teacher when your child After all, when it comes to the
is in earshot. If there is a major issue or concern, approach the teacher openly to discuss it academic success of our children, we’re
and get the complete picture. Then come up with practical solutions together. not just spectators but key players in the
Also, keep up-to-date with school notices and updates, as these are the breadcrumbs game. And that’s a role worth playing to
leading to the gingerbread house of understanding. If there are concerns or suggestions, the best of our abilities.
Education | August 2023 | 29