Page 4 - Education August 2024
P. 4


                                            an essential read for parents, featuring   overcome the challenges they’ve
                                            insights from Jacqueline Aitchison, who   faced. Understanding these effects
                                            leads the Professional Development    is crucial for providing the right help
                                            of Heads for SAHISA Central Region.   as they continue their educational
                                            Jacqueline helps us understand what to   journey.
                                            look for in a school to ensure it meets
                                            its commitments and provides quality   Finally, we discuss the importance of
                elcome to the August 2024   education. We break down what various   nurturing emotional intelligence in
                edition of Estates in Africa’s   educational labels and curricula really   children. Building these skills is vital for
        Weducation supplement. It’s         mean, equipping you with the proper   their overall well-being and success.
        wonderful to share the latest from our   checklist to make informed decisions.  We offer practical advice on how
        dynamic educational community.                                            parents can support emotional growth
                                            Lilli Jackson’s story is a highlight. Her   at home, helping children develop
        In this issue, we explore how teachers   journey from global travels to academic   resilience and empathy.
        help our children develop essential   excellence is inspiring, showing what’s
        thinking skills crucial for handling   possible when children are given the   Thank you for being part of our
        complex problems and achieving      freedom to explore their passions. Lilli’s   community and supporting and
        academic success. By examining how   experiences worldwide have enriched   celebrating our learners. I hope
        assessments are crafted to encourage   her educational and personal growth,   you find this edition insightful and
        higher-order thinking, we aim to    making her a standout student.        inspiring.
        provide parents with valuable insights
        into their child’s educational journey.  We also reflect on the lasting impact   Warm regards,
                                            of the pandemic on our youngest
        We also address the critical question   learners. This piece underscores the   Nicola Killops
        of whether schools are truly        importance of continued support and
        delivering on their promises. This is   creative strategies to help our children   Editor, Estates in Africa


        Cover  Dainfern College                                    28   Steyn City
        Inside Front Cover  Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria  32   Echoes of the Pandemic: The Lasting Impact on
        2   Editor’s message, Contents, Credits                        South Africa’s Youngest Learners
        3   Blue Hills College & Preparatory                       34   Abbotts College
        4   American International School                          36   Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Children
        8   Lilli Jackson: From Global Adventures to Academic Excellence  37   Broadacres Academy
        10   Kyalami Schools                                       38   Southdowns College
        11   Kyalami Schools - Kyalami Prep Nursery School         40   Broadacres Academy
        12   Why Was I Tested on This? Understanding How Bloom’s   41   Kyalami Schools - Beaulieu Nursery School
            Taxonomy Shapes Assessments                            42   HeronBridge College
        14   Treverton - Education is an adventure                 44   Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria
        16   Pinnacle College Kyalami                              46   Pinnacle College Waterfall
        18   Is Your Child’s School Delivering on Its Promise?     48   Brescia House
        20   St Peter’s College                                    50   Stadio
        22   Computer Mania                                        54   Crawford International
        24   The Life-changing Power of Academic Accommodations    56   Dainfern College
        26   Hatfield Online School                                Back Cover  Education Incorporated

        Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd trading as EIA Publishing -
        Johannesburg Office: 32 Fricker Road, Illovo Boulevard, Illovo
        Publisher: Nico Maritz:
        Editor: Nicola Killops:
        Production Coordinator: Chris Grant:
        Designer: Adéle Gouws:
        Marketing & National Sales Manager: Martin Fourie: 072 835 8405,

        Distributed in print and digitally to the residents of various security estates in Gauteng.
        COPYRIGHT: No part of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. The views expressed in the articles
        are not necessarily those of EIA Publishing, the residential estates, nor of the advertisers.
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