Page 32 - Education Supplement February 2025
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The American International School of Johannesburg (AISJ) is an exceptional Pre-K through By emphasising ownership and self-direction,
Grade 12 co-educational school founded in 1982. AISJ is situated on two beautiful and we empower learners to explore their individual
spacious campuses, with state-of-the-art facilities that serve Johannesburg and Pretoria. passions, develop empathy, and become
creative, curious individuals who understand
AISJ is a truly international community that values and embraces the diversity of its not just what they learn but how they learn.
students, faculty, and staff from over 80 nationalities with inclusive programs and
experiences. The school offers a balanced program focusing on academics, arts, service The AISJ curriculum comprises two elements:
learning, athletics, and co-curricular activities. AISJ follows a Northern-Hemisphere • Academic competencies (which define the
calendar (mid-August to mid-June) and accepts students throughout the school year. development of KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS)
We offer an American curriculum and the International Baccalaureate Diploma • Dispositional competencies (which define
Program (IBDP). the development of CHARACTER)
Learning is the development of knowledge, skills, and character through experience and AISJ is committed to fostering equity, respect,
reflection that changes who we are. and inclusion for all students, embracing
diversity in language, culture, and learning
AISJ provides students with a high-quality education that stimulates the development differences to enrich our community. We
of academic and dispositional competencies fostering holistic growth, as outlined in the are dedicated to supporting every student’s
AISJ Portrait of a Learner. Our curriculum is framed and organised around standards and unique journey in a nurturing and inclusive
benchmarks that develop the understanding, knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary environment.
for all students to be successful. Engaging, relevant, and challenging units of study are
continuously renewed so that we reach all of our students and cater to their diverse needs English Language Learners receive personalised
with small class sizes. guidance to master English and achieve social
integration and academic success.
At the heart of our educational approach lies a profound understanding that learning
is a transformative journey of personal growth. We prioritize positive relationships that Neurodiversity is embraced at AISJ. We offer
create a sense of safety and belonging while simultaneously challenging learners with individualised Learning Support to students
ambitious expectations. Students explore diverse perspectives through deep inquiry and with learning differences, providing support and
collaborative engagement, making authentic connections across disciplines. extension as appropriate.