Page 48 - Education Supplement February 2025
P. 48
WELCOME CULTURE centre boasts; 3 Grass Jumping Arenas,
Anchored on a strong Christian foundation and Culture (music, visual art and drama) at 2 Full-size sand dressage arenas with
partnering with families, Treverton provides Treverton is viewed as a vibrant extension sprinklers, 1 Lunge ring, 32 Stables, Large
a launchpad into life by promoting academic of school life. There are choirs, an annual electrified paddocks, good grazing, water
excellence, the development of character Showcase, art exhibitions, evening and shade, a fully maintained cross-
resilience, and challenge through adventure. performances and many opportunities country track 60cm, 70cm, 80cm, 90cm,
for those interested in Culture to find 1m, 1*, 2*, 3* with large water jump,
All we do and set out to achieve, is for the their feet at Treverton. Participation is Clinics with national and international
betterment of our students. In this pursuit, we encouraged through special inter-house instructors, training and affiliated shows
keep our motto close at heart - Super Astra culture competitions throughout the year. – show jumping, equitation, dressage and
Spero - Hope beyond the stars, as it guides us eventing. SANESA Schools Core League and
to the eternal truth of hope in Christ. SPORT eventing shows
(Traditional, Adventure and Equestrian)
We seek to use our unique 270-hectare Valuing the nature of competition and BOARDING
campus and wildlife area in the KZN Midlands participation, we champion our students Boarding is offered for all students from
to maximise the benefits of outdoor to excel to their full potential. Meeting Grade 1 through to Grade 12. Our Boarding
education, adventure and sustainable them where they are and helping them Houses are run as a home away from
environmental practices to complement our improve their skill, stamina and strength home. With House Masters and Mistress’s
excellent academic program. We develop real- across the sports disciplines. building intentional relationships with
life skills in young people to help them face students, providing guidance and grace
life’s challenges with resilience. By challenging Our broad offering of sports creates the to the students as they journey with
our pupils indoors and outside, our Christian ideal opportunity to become physically Treverton. To meet diverse family needs,
staff mentors pupils to enable lasting literate, physically strong and an athlete we offer three different ways to board.
character development in an environment for life. All students must participate
in which it is safe to take risks yet one that is in at least one team sport per term. Termly Boarding – Students board with
exciting and stretching. This allows them to gain resilience, us for the entire term and can go home
adaptability and a multitude of skills. during half-term. Our weekends are
ACADEMICS Adventure sports have a home at busy with sports fixtures and cultural
In our physical location, the natural Treverton, allowing students to grow in a opportunities, so students have ample
environment and greater outdoors is a strong lifestyle sport and broaden their horizons opportunity to participate and relax.
element of every educational experience. through the Adventure Race field.
The school is old enough to stand on rich, but Weekly Boarding – Students board with
young enough to be flexible and relevant to Treverton’s Equestrian Centre provides us Monday through to Friday. However, if
the present generation of learners. We are top-quality training for beginners, novices, there are sports fixtures on the weekend,
grounded in the Christian faith, in which every and experienced riders who want to gain they are welcome to stay over.
person is recognised and valued as unique and proficiency in Showjumping, Equitation,
miraculous creations of Father God. Dressage, Eventing and Showing or those Occasional Boarding – Dayscholar students
who want to learn to ride and have fun. who need to stay overnight can do so with
We are a co-educational school which begins Located in a large campus, the Equestrian ample warning.
with Grade 000 and extends through to
Matric. We firmly believe that one of our
primary roles as a school is to partner with
every family that chooses to walk their life
journey with us. We want to co-labour with
parents in their children’s academic learning
and extension and, more importantly, in
providing opportunities for families to build
strong and robust relationships with each
other and the greater school community. We
subscribe to a general, all-round and balanced
education. We encourage every student to
take a chance at everything “new”. We strive
to provide a safe environment and breadth of
opportunities for the learners to participate
and get involved. Human intelligence, learning
and creativity are embedded in wholesome
experiential learning.
Education | February 2025 | 46