Page 54 - Education Supplement February 2025
P. 54

HeronBridge College



             he energy was tangible at
             HeronBridge College on the first
        Tday back at school. Some learners
        arrived very early, squeezing their mom’s
        hand excitedly as they waited to meet
        their new teacher. Teachers welcomed
        each learner with kindness, energy
        and personal attentiveness. “How was
        your holiday? Oh, how you’ve grown!
        Welcome back!”, buzzed around the
        corridors and playgrounds. Learners
        were heard shouting each other’s
        names and ran to embrace one another,
        reuniting after a long break. A teacher at
        HeronBridge said, “Seeing these beautiful
        faces bound into school today makes me
        realise how much I missed them.”

        At HeronBridge, our motto is: ‘to educate   To symbolise this vision, the Preparatory   All of these traditions have significance. They
        with heart’. Please excuse the play on   gives each learner a blue wooden heart   serve to remind all of our learners that their
        words, but this has a “deep and heartfelt”   with an engraving of the year they started   blood will always be blue and that their blue
        meaning for us all. We pride ourselves   at HeronBridge. These can be found in   hearts can change the world. So, as you go
        in providing excellent education with   each class arranged in the shape of a   about your day, remember you are royalty,
        strong academic, co-curricular, and social-  heart, representing the individual and the   leave your mark of love and kindness wherever
        emotional input. We love, guide, and   community. Their blue hearts follow them   you go and - Paint the World Blue.
        support our learners with the passion of   from year to year as they grow and develop
        what we call “our blue hearts”. Our hearts   into well-rounded, happy, and confident   Jolene Knowles
        are blue, and so is our blood. Each learner   individuals, curious about the world.  Head of Learner Support, HeronBridge College
        is seen as royalty: sons and daughters of
        the living God. Our school is built on the   At the final Grade Seven Valediction each
                                                                                        COME VISIT US
        pillars of self-control, respect, integrity,   learner is presented with a larger wooden
                                                                                  PRE-PREP MOBILITY PLAY DAY
        kindness, and stewardship. These values   heart, in which the blue heart sits. To mark
        underpin all we do and are at the core of   the end of their journey in the Preparatory   1 March 2025 | 08:00
        our blue hearts, with Christian principles   School, they take their blue hearts home to   COLLEGE GRADE 8 2026 OPEN DAY
        at the very centre.                remind them of their time with us.          1 March 2025 | 08:00

        We aim to cater to each learner’s needs   On the very last day of school, our Matric
        in our vibrant mainstream environment.   students run through a guard of honour
        Teaching with heart means supporting   formed by each learner and teacher
        the whole child and every aspect of their   throughout the entire College. This embodies
        development. In addition, our focus for   the privilege of walking the school learning
        2025 is on the 5C’s “Community, Care,   journey with our learners. On a day like this,
        Collaboration, Communication and   we can hear our Father say to all, “Well done,
        Courage”. Our goal is to foster a happy   my good and faithful servant. You have been
        place of learning where everyone can   faithful in handling this small amount, so now
        thrive.                            I will give you many more responsibilities.”

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