Page 25 - Blue Valley Issue 4 2020 print.pdf
P. 25


                       WHERE HAS LOCKDOWN LEFT OUR


                                                         By Dr Ilse Ruane

                he   coronavirus  pandemic  and  losses too. For teens, the loss of their social   Challenging experiences at home:
                subsequent lockdown has left us   life may be crippling, along with the loss of   There are children and teens that had to
            Twondering how to gauge accurately the   visiting grandparents. A parent may have lost   face lockdown in already challenging home
            impact the situation is having on children,   a job.... and there’s the deprivation of normal   environments.  These circumstances have
            teens and adults’ general mental health and   life. Regardless of the type of loss, many will   in all likelihood been amplified during
            well-being.  While experiences of lockdown   be experiencing a sense of grief. Children   lockdown, as families have been quarantined
            might be varied, everyone would confirm   and teens respond to their losses in different   together. Others will have faced challenges
            that it has been a challenging time in some   ways. Some may become sad and withdrawn,   for the first time. These may include: financial
            way or another.                      while others appear anxious or angry.   concerns, domestic violence, abuse, neglect,
                                                                                     family conflict, caring responsibilities, hunger
            Parents are aware of the complex and   Arguably, one of the greatest losses has   and housing concerns.
            sometimes traumatic experiences that   been school as children know it.  Being
            children have been going through during   that school takes up most of a child’s day,   Inequalities:
            lockdown. However, it is worth unpacking   we need to acknowledge the pivotal role   When schools opened, we were plugging the
            some here (my list is by no means exhaustive):  schools play. Schools provide more than just   proverbial hole and trying to make the best
                                                 academic learning to children and teens. In   of the situation with hygiene protocols and
            Losses:                              addition, children learn social and emotional   practical coping tools. In going forward, we will
            We are grieving the loss of 2020; birthday   skills.  They have exercise opportunities,   need to be cognisant of what has happened
            parties, christenings, weddings, funerals,   access to mental health support systems   to children during lockdown. Not only taking
            braai’s and travelling.              and other things that cannot be provided   particular notice of children previously
                                                 online. Schools and teachers, specifically, are   identified as vulnerable but keeping an eye
            Perhaps more directly related is that children   geared to being supportive towards children   on the majority, if not all, of the children...
            will have relatives or friends that have   through the challenges that they face in life.   as they will not have been left unaffected.
            contracted the virus and who may be ill.   In the current situation, the physical access   The range of experiences children and teens
            Some may have died of the coronavirus or   to schools and teachers has been highly   have had during lockdown is challenging in
            due to other illnesses. But there are other   challenging.               itself. Inequalities experienced during the

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