Page 34 - Blue Valley News 2 2021
P. 34


                                 THE YEAR OF THE ZEBRA

                                 By James Clarke, Photography by Mary Broadley

             ne  of the most notable things we   sure which, is said to be more alert than the   we were able to get quite close. They were
             found in rain-soaked Kruger Park   other and likely to spot a predator in time.   unfazed and we were able to study them and
        Olast month was the high number of   Certainly, you will never catch zebra, all heads   wonder anew what their bizarre stripes were
        zebras. Oh yes, and of course how green it   down at the same time, grazing.  There’ll   all about.
        was. I cannot recall seeing so much vigorous   always be some on the lookout.
        growth and so much water even after the                                  Nobody really knows. Each animal has
        Millennium Flood.                    Our observations were, of course, highly   a different pattern – a bit like human
                                             subjective  for  we  only  had  access  to  the   fingerprints. Science has established that
        The grass was as high as an elephant’s eye   southwestern corner between the Phabeni   zebras are, basically, white animals with
        and 2021 is surely going to be noted in the   Gate and Skukuza. All the sand roads were   black stripes and not the other way around.
        park as the year of the zebras. I have never   closed.                   And they can raise the hairs along the black
        seen so many.                                                            stripes but not the white hairs in between.
                                             We’d visited the park three months earlier
        One tends to take the Burchell’s zebra, the   to report on the effects of the collapse in   But why would evolution have left them so
        plains zebra, for granted. It is a species   tourism and the closure of camps. Panic   vividly striped when all other four-legged
        instantly recognised and associated with   Dam near Skukuza - the park’s premier hide   animals have developed cryptically-coloured
        Africa all over the world.           - was padlocked. We feared it would still be   hides? One suggestion is that the stripes
                                             closed this time but, to our joy, the gate was   break up the animal’s image and that
        The zebra’s favourite grazing companions,   unlocked. A notice announced that only   predators  viewing  a herd cannot sort  out
        the blue wildebeest, appeared to be totally   10 people were allowed at a time, though   an individual to attack. Can that be true? If
        outnumbered this season, maybe by as   nobody was around to count. Under normal   so, how is it that zebras rate so highly on the
        much as 10 to one. The two tend to graze   circumstances the hide can take three or four   lion’s menu?
        together because zebra prefer taller grasses   times that number. Twice, on separate days,
        and this opens up the shorter stuff favoured   we had the entire hide to ourselves.   A more popular theory is that pests such
        by wildebeest.                                                           as biting insects are put off by the stripes.
                                             But it was the sight of so many zebras that   Another is that it helps them control their
        Their association is also said to have a survival   enthralled  us.  Whenever  we  saw  zebra,   temperature.
        purpose because one of them, and I am not   mostly in small herds and at the roadside,

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