Page 11 - Blue Valley_Issue 2_2022
P. 11



                                                  BY ELIZE MALAN

             Above-normal rainfall this year has resulted in lush,
            vigorous growth that has exceeded all expectations.
          However, overgrown gardens and an explosion in insect
             and fungus infections are the other side of the coin.

             ou’ll need to prioritise cutting back and
             shaping most of your plants during April
         Yand May, but do not trim plants that will
         flower in spring on the previous season’s growth;
         for example, the Mayflower.

         Trim low-growing branches  on trees.  Evergreen
         trees need some crown thinning to provide a
         dappled shade effect. If the cut branches are
         shredded, they can be used as mulch. Green
         mulch will always need an application of fertiliser
         to aid the decomposition process.
                                              Scabiosa                            Geraniums
         Herbaceous plants such as Salvia, Gaura and Felicia
         can be cut short (5cm to 10cm). Apply an organic
         fertiliser such as Bounce Back as well as compost.
         Do not till, but irrigate well.


                                             the  year. If  fungus  or insects caused  excessive   dead insects tend to stick to the plant leaves and
                                             damage, rather replace the plants with cuttings   stems, and they usually have to be removed with a
                                             or new plants. Groundcovers are fast growers   high-pressure hose or by using a brush.
                                             and it will be cheaper to replace them rather than
                                             spending money on insecticides and fungicides.  On trees or plants that are impossible to reach with
                                                                                spray equipment, systemic products can be used.
         Erigeron                            After pruning, the remaining plant material can be   These products can take months to be effective.
                                             treated for visible pests and diseases.  Do not use systemic poison when deciduous
                                                                                plants are without leaves.
         In areas prone to frost, Erigeron should   Whitefly: Moist, warm conditions and overgrown   The  most pleasant part of  your  autumn garden
         rather be trimmed short in spring.  plants are ideal for this sucking insect to thrive,   care comes last on the list: Choose and sow flower
                                             and it can cause havoc in a garden. On a sunny
                                             day, shaking a plant will release a white cloud   seeds for winter and spring. Decide on species
         Dimorphotheca: Prune hard after flowering in its   of  small flies. Their  life cycle  takes  only 10 days   and colour schemes for seedlings and try to grow
         second season and replace older woody plants.                          some spring flowering bulbs.
                                             and treatment against infestation needs to be
                                             repeated until no flies are visible. Neem Oil, an
         Geraniums: Cut back by about a third.  The cut                         Now you can sit back, enjoy the mild autumn
         material can be used to grow new plants. Autumn   organic pesticide, will clear the problem.  sun and watch the leaves drop. We have had a
         is the best time for growing these cuttings.                           good summer in Gauteng; hopefully, this coming
                                             Scale or mealybug are both sap-sucking insects   season will be the same.
         Scabiosa: Cut old woody plants right back; they   and easy to identify. Applying complete cover with
         will shoot from the base. The plants prefer poor   a contact insecticide will yield good results. The   Source:
         soil, and no fertiliser needs to be applied.
         Kniphofia: In very cold areas, cut plants at soil level   Carpobrotus
         during late summer. Apply compost and fertiliser;
         it will allow for some growth before winter. For
         warmer areas you can leave the trimming until

         Groundcovers, especially the winter rainfall species
         such as Carpobrotus, are pruned back throughout

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