Page 15 - Blue Valley_Issue 3_2022
P. 15


            HOW TO




            Rising costs are
             adding to the
            pressure that SA
             consumers are                                                                                            Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash
           facing in trying to
           remain debt-free

            ising interest rates and an uptick in inflation   He  says,  however,  that  there  is  a  silver  lining   “Debt counselling is a long-term commitment,
            are squeezing South African consumers   to the situation which is  that people  who are   not an easy fix. Just as it takes a while to
        Rbetween the proverbial rock and a hard   in debt are now starting to look for help more   accumulate debt, it also takes time to reduce it.
         place, as the cost of servicing debts goes up while   readily.         The important thing is to keep making regular
         the purchasing power of their money declines.                          payments and, if your circumstances change for
                                             “All our members have indicated that more   the better, to pay more to accelerate the process.”
         Benay Sager, chairperson of the National Debt   people are pro-actively seeking help before
         Counsellors’  Association,  says  consumers’  things get too dire. Some of this is certainly   While under debt counselling, consumers
         disposable income has decreased by a quarter   due to a diminished ability to borrow, but   cannot  be  granted  additional  credit.  This  is  a
         since 2016 when the cumulative effect of   our  members  also  work  tirelessly  to  highlight   worthy trade-off as the consumer is expected
         inflation over the six years is considered. Data   the  significant  benefits  that  come  with  debt   to demonstrate they can manage their existing
         from the National Debt Counsellors’ Association   counselling, particularly in a higher interest rate   debt in the first place.
         members shows that consumers are borrowing   environment.”
         to make up the shortfall.                                              For consumers who are in debt counselling,
                                             Under debt counselling, interest rates on   it is critical to inform their debt counsellor if
         “Increasing inflation will exacerbate the pressures   unsecured debt can be reduced from an average   their financial situation changes - for better
         consumers are under, as the cost of debt is rising   of 20%+ to 1 - 2%. This allows consumers to pay   or for worse. Once a consumer pays off their
         and take-home pay does not stretch as much as it   back their expensive, high-interest debt.   unsecured debt (and is up to date with any
         used to. For consumers who have expensive debt                         bond repayments, if applicable), a clearance
         (with high  interest  rates), debt  counselling  is  a   There are other significant benefits  to debt   certificate is issued, with the approval of the
         good option to explore,” says Sager.  counselling. These include:      National Credit Regulator, and the consumer
                                             •     Consumers’ assets, such as homes and   can again become credit active.
         Official figures for the CPI stood at 4,48%,   vehicles, are legally protected.
         near the upper end of South Africa’s target   •     Consumers pay back towards what they   Sager warns, however, that there are
         range, from a low of 3,27% in 2020. However,   can genuinely afford, to reduce the debt.  unscrupulous enterprises that try to take
         electricity and fuel are both expected to increase   •     Rather than having to deal with numerous   advantage of impatient consumers undergoing
         astronomically, and that will have a ripple effect   creditors, they deal with only one person,   debt counselling and offer ‘debt review removal
         across other goods and services and increase   the debt counsellor, who renegotiates all   services’.  This is in violation of the National
         upward inflationary pressure.          the debt.                       Credit Act and consumers who are tempted
                                             •     By renegotiating the period over which   could lose the protection from creditors that
         “Over the past six years, the trend has been that   the debt has to be repaid, and the interest   debt counselling affords.
         loan sizes have increased, while the number of   rates, monthly repayments are reduced.
         credit agreements  have  declined.  This  means                        “Debt counselling has many advantages,
         consumers are borrowing more per agreement   Sager cautions that, while there are many   but consumers need to understand it is a
         and reaching the point that they no longer   advantages to debt counselling and in South   commitment, not an instant solution. For people
         qualify for further credit. In an increasing interest   Africa it is effective, well run and highly   who stick with the plan and make their monthly
         and inflation rate environment, we expect this to   regulated, consumers need to understand that   payments, it works well, and the vast majority
         intensify,” says Sager.             it is not an instant solution.     never fall back into unsustainable debt again.”

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