Page 6 - Boardwalk_Issue 3_2022
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e’re more than halfway “That said, here are a few favourite to thank the following people for
through the year, and motivational and inspiring quotes their commitment and hard work in
Wso much has already from a wide variety of sources. I hope helping to make this estate world-
happened. I was thinking about you find a few you like and can revisit class:
what to share and decided we all often to stay motivated.”
need some inspiration. I hope that AMAX, for keeping our access systems
this short article written by Michael • “We cannot solve problems with and cameras in good working order.
Keenan, titled 200+ Best Motivational the kind of thinking we employed
Quotes to Encourage Your Success when we came up with them.” – Rooi Bul, for the amazing gardens.
(2022), that I found online (and that Albert Einstein Brinant Security, for keeping us all
I’ve tweaked a bit here and there) will safe in the estate.
inspire you all to take on the world: • “Learn as if you will live forever;
live like you will die tomorrow.” – Petrus, our pool guy, who does a
“What is it about motivational quotes Mahatma Gandhi great job.
that make them so endearing? Every
driven person soon figures out that • “Stay away from those people who Our office staff, René and Jolanda, for
there are lots of well-meaning people try to disparage your ambitions. Small always being there for the residents
out there who end up being time- minds will always do that, but great and going the extra mile.
wasters because they share long lists minds will give you a feeling that you
of motivational phrases, disrupting can become great too.” – Mark Twain David, our handyman, for doing an
our work. And yet there’s hidden excellent job.
value in finding a concise expression • “When you give joy to other
that perfectly distils our own beliefs. people, you get more joy in return. Theorine, for keeping the venues
You should give a good thought to clean and tidy.
“Motivational quotes often feel like happiness that you can give out.” –
our own opinions making a return Eleanor Roosevelt The Board of Directors, who support
visit, just augmented by someone us 100% and make sure that our
with writing talent. The right quote • “When you change your thoughts, beautiful estate is well maintained
at the right time can change things. remember to also change your and managed with pride.
Words matter, and motivating phrases world.” – Norman Vincent Peale
can encourage us to get up, overcome And a big thank you goes to all the
tough times, take action, stop • “Our lives improve only when we residents for their support and
procrastinating, escape our comfort take chances – and the first and friendliness.
zone, motivate a team, invest in most difficult risk we can take is to
personal growth, start a business, and be honest with ourselves.” – Walter Till next time, God bless
do the hard work that needs doing. Anderson
“Even genuinely successful people • “Nature has given us all the pieces
show some reverence to a favourite required to achieve exceptional
inspirational quote or two to get wellness and health but has left it to
through hard times, remember an us to put these pieces together.” –
important personal principle, or even Diane McLaren
get some inspiration to be more
productive while working from home. I hope that you identify with at least
In business and life, quotes are short some of the quotes above offered
bits of wit and wisdom that are easy by Mr Keenan. Getting back to life
to revisit when we need them. here at Boardwalk, I would like John Moore
Boardwalk Meander Estate Issue 3 · 2022