Page 4 - Stoeptalk 2023 Issue 1
P. 4
storm water into the big dam. The kom. Ek weet daar is reeds talle
volume of water running through inwoners wie se voertuie buite die
the estate has increased in recent landgoed gesteel is. Dit los steeds ‘n
years and we are continuously slegte smaak.
upgrading the area.
There are a lot of avid birders in the
Beurtkrag – ‘n woord wat gemengde estate – I have spoken to a few and
gevoelens ontlok. Ons kan verseker we want to form a bird group for
aanvaar dat dit nie beter gaan word Boardwalk Meander. There are many
nie. Solar sisteme is al hoe meer birds and we want to compile a bird
populêr en raak deel van ‘n huis list as to determine the number
soos ‘n sateliet tv skottel. of species in the estate. Please let
the office know if you would be
Dienslewering is onder druk op alle interested to join such a group.
vlakke – van ons kant af is daar goeie
kommunikasie met die owerhede Congratulations to Theunis de Bruyn
en ons probeer goeie verhoudings and Neil Brand (residents) with their
smee. inclusion in the SA 20 Over Cricket
Welcome back – Welkom terug!! series. They have both been very
In terme van sekuriteit – neem successful and are experiencing
2023 has started with a bang – I asseblief kennis dat daar baie a fantastic season. Theunis also
cannot believe it’s already February! diefstal buite die landgoed represents South Africa – well done!
plaasvind. Die Checkers sentrum
Aan al die matrikulante – baie geluk naby ondervind vele insidente. Ons sien uit na ‘n goeie jaar vir die
met puik uitslae. ‘n Paar kinders in Wees altyd op die uitkyk en wees inwoners van Boardwalk Meander
die landgoed het uiters goed gedoen veilig. Die ekonomie is onder druk Estate.
en ek is seker hul ouers is baie en mense het nie werk nie. Dit dra
trots op hulle. Sterkte vir die jaar by tot die verhoging in insidente. As
en ook aan al die ander skoliere en jy ‘n Toyota ry sal jy bewus wees van Groete,
studente. Onthou – wie nie leer nie die talle diefstalle die laaste klomp Deon Strydom
kom nie deur nie! maande. Ek kan net hoop dat die
vervaardigers met ‘n plan vorendag Voorsitter
The estate is looking fantastic.
Thanks to Don and his team for
this. The December/January period
went by very smoothly and it was
a privilege to come back into the
estate after this holiday period.
Many residents commented that it Neil Brand, left, and
is wonderful to come back to such Theunis de Bruyn
a lovely looking paradise. We
are thankful for the rain that
contributed to this.
Many of you would have
seen the waterway
system discharging
Boardwalk Meander Estate Issue 1 · 2023