Page 7 - Boardwalk Issue 2_2023
P. 7


            GROIN KICK               ELBOW STRIKE                 ESCAPE FROM A                  HEEL PALM
                                                                  ‘BEAR HUG ATTACK’              STRIKE

             HEEL PALM STRIKE               behind and traps your arms (this is   in danger.
             This move can cause damage to   like a bear hug, but you won’t be able
        3 the nose or throat. To execute,   to move as freely), your first reaction   3. Carry protection. Whether pepper
        get in front of your attacker as much   should be to stop your attacker’s   spray, a personal safety alarm, or a
        as is possible and with your dominant  arms from going higher into a    lipstick taser, self-defence tools can
        hand, flex your wrist. Aim for either   headlock. Shift your hips to one side.   help you feel more at ease.
        the attacker’s nose, jabbing upward   This gives an opening for strikes to
        from the nostrils, or underneath the   the groin with open-handed slaps.   If you’re carrying self-defence
        attacker’s chin, jabbing upward at the  Stay aggressive with your knees and   tools, make sure to get training on
        throat. Alternatively, an open palm to  other counterattacks until you can   how to use them. You can also use
        the ears can be very disorienting.  disengage.                          more common objects as weapons,
                                                                                including a purse, briefcase,
             range and you’re unable to get  7
        4                                        ESCAPE FROM SIDE               umbrella, phone, pencil, book, or
             ELBOW STRIKE
             If your attacker is in close
                                                 When the attacker locks their
        enough momentum to throw a strong   arm around your head from the       I am currently giving self defence
                                                                                classes in the estate. For anyone
        punch or kick, use your elbows.     side, your first instinct should be to   interested you are welcome to
        5                                   avoid getting choked. Turn into the   contact me. All ages are welcome.
             ESCAPE FROM A ‘BEAR HUG
                                            attacker’s side as much as possible
                                                                                Stay Safe,
                                            to avoid being choked. Strike the
             For cases where the attacker
        is coming from behind, you’ll want   groin until you have enough mobility
                                            to turn your head all the way out to
        to focus on getting low and creating   disengage.
        space to free yourself. Bend forward
        from the waist. This shifts your    If you don’t feel confident that you’re
        weight forward, making it more      able to physically handle an attacker,
        difficult for your attacker to pick you   take these precautions:
        up. It also gives you a better angle to
        throw elbows from side to side to the   1. Stay in a well-lit public area. Don’t
        attacker’s face. The aim is to create   go home or turn away from crowds.
        space so you can escape and run     Walk into a store or a coffee shop
        away.                               and ask for help.                   John Moore

             ESCAPE WITH HANDS              2. Call the police. Find a well-lit
             TRAPPED                        public area and dial your local
        6 If your attacker comes from       emergency services if you feel you’re

                                        Boardwalk Meander Estate    Issue 2 · 2023
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