Page 31 - Boardwalk Meander Issue 4_2023
P. 31


                         DUCK FEEDING ETIQUETTE:

                         What to Feed (and What Not to Feed) Ducks in Our Local Dams

            here’s something undeniably            and they’ll appreciate insects,     these substances can be toxic
            charming about feeding ducks at        earthworms, and even small          to them.
        Tour local dams. Whether you’re an         aquatic invertebrates.
        adult seeking a moment of tranquillity                                 FEEDING TIPS:
        or a child excitedly sharing breadcrumbs   6.  Rice and Cooked Pasta: Small
        with feathered friends, the connection     amounts of rice and cooked      1.  Small Portions: Feed ducks in
        between humans and ducks is a special      pasta are safe for ducks when       small, manageable portions, and
        one.                                       fed in moderation.                  ensure the food is bite-sized to
                                                                                       prevent choking hazards.
        However, it’s essential to remember   WHAT NOT TO FEED DUCKS:
        that not all foods are suitable for our                                    2.  Spread the Food: Scatter
        feathered companions. In this article,   1.  Bread: Despite its popularity,    food on the water’s surface to
        we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of        bread offers little to no           encourage natural foraging
        feeding ducks in our community’s dams,     nutritional value for ducks and     behavior.
        ensuring their well-being.                 can lead to malnutrition. Bread
                                                   also bloats in their stomachs   3.  Be Mindful of Your
        WHAT TO FEED DUCKS:                        and can harm them over time.        Environment: Only feed ducks
                                                                                       in areas designated for such
           1.  Duck-Friendly Grains: Ducks     2.  Chips, Junk Food, and Candy:        activities. Feeding ducks in
               have a diet primarily composed      Foods high in salt, sugar,          excessive amounts can harm
               of grains, so options like cracked   or artificial additives are        their natural diet and disrupt
               corn, oats, barley, and wheat are   unhealthy for ducks and can         the local ecosystem.
               excellent choices. You can find     cause digestive problems.
               commercial duck feed or pellets                                     4.  Observe from a Distance:
               at pet stores as well.          3.  Popcorn: Popcorn might be a         Approach ducks calmly and
           2.  Greens: Ducks love leafy greens     beloved snack for humans, but       avoid getting too close, as they
               like lettuce, spinach, and kale.    it can be challenging for ducks     may feel threatened.
               Tear them into bite-sized           to digest.                  CONCLUSION:
               pieces to make it easier for the   4.  Moldy or Stale Food: Avoid   Feeding ducks at our local dams can
               ducks to eat.                                                   be a rewarding experience, fostering a
                                                   feeding ducks any food that   connection with nature and teaching
           3.  Frozen Peas: Ducks enjoy            is moldy or stale, as it can be   valuable lessons about empathy and
               frozen peas, which provide a        harmful to their health.    kindness. However, it’s crucial to be
               refreshing treat, especially in   5.  Processed Food Scraps:    mindful of what we offer our feathered
               hot weather.                                                    friends. By adhering to the guidelines
                                                   Leftover pizza, hamburgers,
           4.  Dried Mealworms: Ducks relish       and other processed food    of what to feed (and what not to feed)
                                                                               ducks, we can ensure their health and
               dried mealworms as a protein-       scraps can be detrimental to   well-being while preserving the beauty
               rich snack, particularly during     duck health due to their high   of our local ecosystem. Let’s enjoy this
               molting seasons.                    fat content.                delightful pastime responsibly and

           5.  Earthworms and Insects:         6.  Medication: Never offer ducks   continue to appreciate the wonders of
               Ducks are natural foragers,         medication (or alcohol), as   our natural world.

                                       Boardwalk Meander Estate    Issue 4 · 2023
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