Page 34 - Boardwalk Meander Issue 1_2024
P. 34


                                                                                of rainwater harvesting, especially at
                                                                                home. The water tanks are installed
                                                                                below the downspouts of the rooftops
                                                                                guttering system. The water is then
                                                                                funnelled/directed into the tanks.
                                                                                The tank can be connected to provide
                                                                                backup water to your current plumbing
                                                                                system, or it can be attached to a pipe
                                                                                for drip irrigation. The use of barrels
                                                                                or tanks is ideal since it can store
                                                                                significant amounts of water.
                                                                                Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting
                                                                                In both urban and rural settings,
                                                                                harvesting can be done by the use of
                                                                                infrastructure. One of the simplest ways
                                                                                of storing water from the collection
                                                                                is storage tanks. In most cases, the
                                                                                harvested water is usually redirected
                                                                                to storage tanks, cisterns or reservoirs.
                                                                                The water is usually stored for later
                                                                                use. Using roofs of buildings is the best
                                                                                way to harvest rainwater. There are
                                                                                numerous advantages in doing so.

        6. Cover your pool                  simplest and oldest methods of self-  1. Easy to Maintain
        And not just in the cooler months. A  supply of water which been used in   The use of a rainwater harvesting system
        typical pool can lose some 5 000 litres  South Asia and other countries for many   is a great advantage to any community.
        yearly just due to evaporation. For larger  thousands of years. Now a days, scarcity   First and foremost, the collection offers
        pools, consider a portable, roller-type  of good quality water has become a   a better and more efficient utilisation
        device that can mechanically retract and  significant cause of concern.  of an energy resource. It is important
        store the cover while you’re swimming.                                  because potable water is usually not
                                            The Rainwater Harvesting System is   renewable, thus reducing wastage.
        Harvest rainwater, use one of your   one of the best methods practised and   The systems used for water collection
        gutters down pipes into your pool to top   followed to support the conservation   are based on simple techniques that
        it up.                              of water. It is collection and storage of   are very easy to maintain. The overall
        7. The garden.                      rain, rather than allowing it to run off.   expenses used in setting up harvesting
        One-third of residential water use goes  Rainwater, which is pure in form and of   methods are much cheaper compared to
        toward watering the lawn and garden.  good quality, can be used for watering   other purifying or pumping means. Also,
        But flowers, grasses, and bushes native  gardens, washing, cleaning, bathing,   maintenance of such systems is feasible
        to the area have adapted to regional  cooking, livestock, irrigation, and   on the economic front as it does not
        rainfall rates—so require no water.  domestic uses.                     require deep pockets.
        Another bonus: Native plants foster
        healthy soil and insect life, which attract  What Is Rainwater Harvesting?   2. Reducing Water Bills
        birds and enhance overall biodiversity.  So, what is rainwater harvesting? It is a   Although harvested water may not
                                            technique or strategy for the collection   be used for drinking purposes, it can
        Water your lawn only when it needs it.   of rainwater and storing it in the right   be used in may other ways. It will
        Watering on a regular schedule doesn’t   way for future use. The water can be   immediately reduce one’s utility bills.
        allow for cool spells or rainfall which   collected from various surfaces and   It is ideal for both residential and
        reduce the need for watering. Step on   platforms and stored for later use.   commercial properties.
        some grass. If it springs back up when   In most cases, the water is usually
        you move your foot, it doesn’t need   collected from rooftops and other   3. Suitable for Irrigation
        water.                              hard surfaces. Rainwater harvesting   Harvesting allows the collection of large
                                            is considered as a very reliable way to   amounts of water. Most rooftops provide
        When you do water your lawn, water   conserve water.                    the necessary platform for collecting
        it long enough for water to seep down   This technique has been around for a   water. Rainwater is usually free from
        to the roots where it is needed. A   very long time and was practiced in the   harmful chemicals, which makes it ideal
        light sprinkling that sits on the surface   ancient times. Over the past years, this   for irrigation purposes.
        will simply evaporate and be wasted.   ancient method of water storage has
        Position your sprinklers so that water   grown quite popular.
        lands on your lawn or garden, not in                                    Save water, conserve water
        areas where it does no good.        Various methods can be used to      and Protect the Environment
        Rainwater Harvesting                collect rainwater.  Water tanks are the                     Jan-Louis
        Rainwater harvesting is one of the   easiest and most affordable method

                                       Boardwalk Meander Estate    Issue 1 · 2024
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