Page 6 - Boardwalk Meander Issue 1_2024
P. 6
batteries and open garage doors during
load shedding. There was once an
elderly lady in a wheelchair needing
assistance to get to the hospital and
back. This happened on numerous
occasions. Getting from her unit down
to the car entailed going up and down
a serious flight of stairs. On every
occasion, this would be problem,
was overcome with ease through the
help and assistance of the security
personnel. Asking for assistance they
arrived within minutes and physically
picked up the lady in her wheel chair
and carried her up or down the stairs
as required. They also assisted her
getting in and out of the car. I mention
this assistance not because they did it
without complaining but the way and
n numerous occasions my the estate and it was love at first sight. manner in which they did this. The task
wife and I have been asked by We could not believe our good fortune was done with so much compassion
Owould-be buyers why we are that all of our requirements were and absolute care. These are the
living in the estate and what makes satisfied in the estate. people that not only look after us from
it so special, if special at all. We have a security point of view but they are
pondered this question ourselves and Throughout our stay in the estate we more than willing to help in other ways
after a time we realised what made have enjoyed every moment of it. Over and unfortunately they do not always
staying in the estate so special.
time though we discovered what the get the recognition they so richly
Eighteen years ago we decided to big secret is and what made the estate deserve.
re-locate back to Pretoria. After our such a beautiful place to live in and
retirement we decided to move from that secret was “ the people living and Throughout the eighteen years of
Pretoria to Mossel Bay to build our working in the estate”. Over the years our stay in the estate there have
dream house next to the sea, or “ons I can re-call numerous occasions where been numerous Boards of Directors,
huisie by die see”. We already knew neighbours, the office and security managers and staff members all having
then that it would be a temporary staff as well as the gardeners pitched in the interest of the estate at heart and
stay and that we would return back to to help in a crisis and thus preventing doing their best, going that extra mile.
Pretoria in time to come. any serious consequences. On an We might have our differences from
occasion children played with matches them from time to time but after all is
When we decided the time was right and candles in the bedroom and the said and done they all did or are doing
to move back we drew up a list of our silk bedcover caught fire which spread their best so that we the inhabitants
requirements which included inter alia alarmingly fast through the room. can enjoy our stay in the estate. That is
security, sport facilities, open spaces why we are “enjoying our stay in this
and walkways, other amenities such Neighbours from far and wide pitched estate”
as swimming pools and club houses up bringing with them hosepipes and
etc, all of this preferably in the eastern buckets and managed to stop the fire Kind regards,
suburbs. even though the bedroom and roof
was severely damaged. When the fire
We knew from the onset that this was brigade did turn up they ensured the Willem & Estelle
a tall order and that when the time safety of the unit and prevented the
comes we would have to sacrifice fire flaring up again. Instances come to
some of our requirements. Through a the fore where residents were helped
mutual friend we were introduced to to start their cars because of flat
Boardwalk Meander Estate Issue 1 · 2024