Page 9 - Boardwalk Issue 4 November 2024
P. 9


        for 30 minutes daily three or more   walking depends
        times, a week has been shown to     on how fast you
        help prevent bone loss in people in   walk, your body
        premenopausal women when people  type, and how flat
        and may also help promote bone      the surface you
        turnover (the resorption of minerals   walk on is
        as old bone is broken down to form
 Have you seen the painted feet on the roads and paths in the Estate?   new bones).  5. Improves
                                            Brain Health
        3. Boosts Your Immune               When done
        System                              regularly,
        Physical activity like walking is known  moderate-
        to boost the immune system. A single  intensity exercise
        30-minute walk can temporarily      like walking may
        increase the level of specific immune   increase brain
        cells in the blood. Research shows   volume in regions
        that people who exercise regularly   responsible
        get fewer viral infections and have   for processing
        less severe symptoms when they get   information and
        sick than those who don’t exercise   cognitive skills
        regularly.                          like memory and
                                            learning. In older adults, frequent,   7. Helps Build Community
        4. Promotes Weight Loss             leisurely walks have also been found   Going for a walk with others is a
        Walking burns calories, which       to decrease the risk of developing   healthy social activity and can help
        promotes weight loss. Walking 30    Alzheimer’s disease and other forms   prevent feelings of loneliness and
        minutes a day, at least five days a   of dementia.                      isolation. Walking with others can
        week, can effectively promote weight                                    also promote a sense of camaraderie,
        and body fat loss. Walking combined   6. Improves Mental Health         along with accountability,
        with a low-fat diet was found to be   Walking naturally releases mood-  encouragement, and motivation to
        more beneficial for losing weight   boosting endorphins in the body,    stick with a walking routine.
        than diet alone.                    and research shows that the more
                                            steps you take, the more your mood
        How many calories you burn from     improves.                                            Jan-Louis



          If you are ready to start a walking routine, start slowly   How much you need to walk to get benefits can vary by
          and only do what you can to avoid injuries.         age.

          Always consult a healthcare provider before starting a   WHEN YOU MAY SEE RESULTS?
          walking program.
                                                              When you see results will vary by how much you walk
          HOW LONG?                                           and at what intensity, along with your fitness level.
                                                              But any walking will be better for you than no walking,
          It's recommended that adults get 150 minutes per    even if it's just for a few minutes a day.
          week of moderate-intensity physical activity like walk-
          ing. The total minutes can be broken up into smaller   SUMMARY
          increments throughout the week, and more than 150
          minutes per week of physical activity is associated with   Walking daily has a host of benefits for your body,
          increased health benefits.                          mind, and emotions. Research has also shown regular
                                                              walking can help extend your life. Some walking is bet-
          HOW MUCH?                                           ter than not walking at all, and even shorter daily walks
                                                              can boost your health. If you're new to walking, start
          Although 10,000 steps a day is popularly used as a   slowly to avoid injury.
          walking goal, studies show you don't need to walk that
          much to reap benefits. Walking 2,200 steps or more   A daily walk can help your body stay healthy, boost
          daily has been found to reduce the risk of heart dis-  mood and energy levels, burn calories, and even pro-
          ease.                                               long your life.

                                        Boardwalk Meander Estate    Issue 4 · 2024
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