Page 4 - Boardwalk Issue 1 2025
P. 4
Goeiedag aan al ons inwoners
Die nuwe jaar is regtig al ‘n maand aan die
gang. Glo dat die van julle wat weg was met
vakansie het dit geniet en is uit gerus vir die
nuwe jaar. Ons is bly dat ons inwoners veilig
terug is.
Thank you to the personnel who were back
in full force from 6 January, going strong
to keep our estate up and running – we
appreciate you all.
Our service providers are doing a great job
keeping everything going too – thank you.
Sien in ‘n later artikel die datums vir die
jaar se funksies – merk dit asseblief op julle
kalenders – ons sien uit om julle daar te
sien en alles saam te kan geniet.
A few projects are on the calendar for this
year – we will update you about these in
due course. If you see some work being
done on the communal areas and want
to know what is going on – feel free to
contact John or the ladies in the office for
To all our scholars and students – be
attentive to your studies – remember – if
you need help, ask for it - we wish you all a
good school year.
- Deon
Saturday 12 April Volleyball
Saturday 7 June Art Exhibition
Saturday 30 August Fun run and Volleyball
Wednesday 24 September Heritage / Family Day
Saturday 18 October Movie night
Saturday 22 November Christmas function
Please note that any changes to the above will be communicated timeously.
Boardwalk Meander Estate Issue 1 · 2025