Page 4 - Issue 4 Cornwall Hill
P. 4


            MESSAGE FROM THE

            ESTATE MANAGER

            Dear Residents,                     entry to the estate.                be allowed entry if they do not have a valid
                                                                                    work permit.
            Feedback on some estate happenings since   đ No structure may be built on the estate
            June:                               without first consulting with, and obtaining   đ Remember not to use the old
                                                approval of, the HOA. Any alterations where   Click-on numbers 084 975 2214 and
            đ Some residents are still reluctant to ask   a new roof is to be constructed needs plans,   060 975 2214 when contacting the office,
            their gardeners to return to work again,   and all plans need to be approved by the   as these numbers do not work anymore.
            and as a result gardens are still not being   HOA first, and then by the City Council.  Please remove them from your phone. The
            attended to. Please consider using garden                               security numbers are 012 667 3089 and
            services to attend to your gardens until   đ Our click-on system has been terminated   cell 079 575 4472.
            you feel comfortable to resume your own   and does not function anymore. Security
            maintenance to enhance the general   at the gate will now only contact residents   đ We wish to remind you that visitors are
            appearance of the estate.           per GloVisitor device, only calling numbers   not allowed access to the estate under
                                                that are registered on the system. In other   lockdown level 3 regulations. No gatherings
            đ It is important to trim trees on sidewalks   words, if you downloaded and registered   or family meetings are allowed. We urge
            obscuring the visibility for vehicles driving   the GloVisitor App, your cell number will   residents to please adhere to the regulations
            past your house. Please remember that it is   be available to be phoned from this device.   and refrain from hosting such gatherings.
            your responsibility to do so.       So, even if you do not plan to use the App,
                                                you need to download and install it so that    đ The wearing of a face mask or other
            đ  Take note that no garden refuse may be   security can contact you when someone   item that covers the nose and mouth is
            burnt on the estate. Also make sure that   wants to visit your stand.  It is important   mandatory for every person when in a
            grass close to your house is cut short.   to note that if your cell number has   public place. This applies to residents,
                                                changed, please inform Karina at the office   contractors, service providers, delivery
            đ  I noticed on a website that an   accordingly.                        persons and domestic employees when
            unaccredited agent is advertising properties                            accessing the estate and to any person
            for sale on the estate. We request residents   đ Please do not feed any animal outside the   visiting the HOA and registration offices.
            marketing their properties to use only   estate by throwing food over the fence, as it
            accredited agents to do so. Please contact   might attract bush pigs that pose a threat to   đ Once again, I would like to ask you to
            the office for a list of the estate agents that   our guards while patrolling.  please insist that residents who walk their
            are accredited to sell and rent out properties                          dogs carry a plastic bag to collect their mess
            on the estate during 2020.          đ A resident complained about a neighbour   when necessary. Residents are complaining
                                                not removing their unmarked garbage bins   that they need to clean-up after other
             đ The closest Covid test centres that we are   from the street for days. Please make sure   residents who take their dogs for a walk, and
            aware of are at Dischem in Centurion Mall, at   your garbage bins are marked properly and   it is not fair to them.
            the eye hospital next to Unitas Hospital and   replaced on your stand as soon as they have
            at Midstream Hospital. Please contact me if   been emptied. The easiest way to mark a   Stay safe
            anyone living on the estate tests positive for   bin is to purchase self- sticking numbers at
            Covid-19.                           a hardware store and mark it as per your   Regards
                                                stand number.
             đ As many residents are still working from                                Dirk
            home, the noise of construction may be   đ The Tshwane Metro garbage removal
            irritating, but unfortunately, construction   currently takes place on Mondays. Please do
            and renovations create noise. Please be   not place your dustbins out on a Saturday;   Dirk Heyns
            tolerant of neighbours who are busy with   only do so late afternoon on a Sunday or   Estate Manager
            building or maintenance activities. On the   early Monday morning, as they restrict
            other hand, please be considerate when   vision for motorists in certain places, are
            you are creating noise. According to our   also unsightly and block pavements for
            rules, using power saws, lawnmowers, brush   pedestrians.
            cutters, weed eaters and the like causing
            noise will only be allowed between the   đ  The estate normally does not allow
            following hours:                    foreigners without valid work permits to
                                                enter the estate, as it is unlawful to work
            đ  May – August 07:30 – 18:00       in the country without a valid work permit
                                                – even if the person has a valid passport.
            đ September – April 07:00 – 19:00.
                                                During Covid-19, however, some non-South
            đ  The use of power tools and lawnmowers   Africans have not been able to extend their
            etc. are not allowed on Sundays.    work permits due to facilities that are closed.
                                                Therefore, we will allow entry to domestics
             đ Many residents are using Uber or similar   and contractors with work permits that
            courier services for deliveries of food and   expired during the lockdown up to a period
            other items. Please check the name of the   of three months from the expiry date on
            driver who must deliver the item(s) at your   the work permit. Please note this will only
            house and confirm the identity of the driver   apply to existing domestics and contractors
            with security before allowing access to the   already working on the estate. Any new
            vehicle, in order to prevent unauthorised   foreigners applying for access will still not
       2  Cornwall View t *TTVF
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